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Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

13 August 2021

Be African and Proud

By Sicebise Msengana

I always see the self-hating attitudes towards Africa as coping mechanisms against the 500 year-old racist anti-African propaganda. People whose ancestors suffered slavery and social degradation developed certain survival traits to cope with their surroundings. The invention of races was one of the darkest moments in human history , W. E. B. Du Bois makes the following observation: “There came a new doctrine of universal labor: mankind were of two sorts—the superior and the inferior; the inferior toiled for the superior; and the superior were the real men, the inferior half men or less.”

05 April 2018

3 Ways Africans are Destroyed

By Sicebise Msengana

1. False goods from fake salesmen.

 The great weapon, which the European and Asian oppressors use against Africans is controlling the thinking of Africans.

24 March 2018

My Xhosa Origins

By Sicebise Msengana

NdinguSinNTU, a proud descendant of the oldest people on the planet, the San - a direct ancestor of Xhosa (The Legendary founder of the Xhosa nation) and a history that spans more than 140, 000 years.

22 December 2017

Famous Hollywood Racist Stereotypes About African Men

By Sicebise Msengana

Racist Hollywood likes to portray us African men as warlords and savagely GENOCIDAL brutes carrying machine guns and machetes. 
African men don't smile or cry. We are always angry. We rape and kill for no apparent reason. 

1. Scammers. In order for African men to make it in life, they have to date or marry western women for green cards and money. We also have card scams up our sleeves.

13 December 2017


By Sicebise Msengana

It's that time again, where I get to read books until 3 a.m in the morning. Every year I make my book recommendations to the public. This year is no different.

03 December 2017

Can Subsistence Agriculture Feed Africa?

By Sicebise Msengana

CAN SUBSISTENCE AGRICULTURE FEED AFRICA? I spent a week in Tsolo, South Africa, learning about types of farming methods.

02 August 2017


By Sicebise Msengana

A Xhosa couple. 

BLACK LOVE is REVOLUTIONARY. There's no BLACK POWER/ UNITY/PRIDE without BLACK LOVE. BLACK LOVE is the key to our liberation and empowerment as a people. 

12 March 2017

Africa Manhood Part 4

By Sicebise Msengana

I make no apologies! The African man is the only "crush" that a Black woman should aspire to have in her life. The African man is the only bull in the kraal.

07 March 2017

The Black Community Needs To Practice Group Economics

By Sicebise Msengana

Onitaset Kumat makes excellent remarks "It’s sad, but our recent rap culture, with its excesses on jewelery, automobiles and fashion has minimized the African’s natural quest for

05 March 2017

Angel of Death

By Sicebise Msengana

It was 9 p.m on a Saturday night and I was visiting a friend in hospital. As I was waiting for my turn; a girl about the age of 16 years was put on life support.

22 February 2017

The Black Man's Greatest Wealth: The Afrikan Woman

By Sicebise Msengana

The Black man's greatest wealth: In Xhosa, we have a proverb that says "Ubuhle bendoda zinkomo zayo", which means a man's attraction is judged by his cattle. Cattle in Xhosa symbolises wealth and material success.

African Wealth: Afrika's Billionaires

By Sicebise Msengana

Despite centuries-old legacies of slavery, colonialism and apartheid; Africa continues to be the fastest growing powerhouse in the world. Indeed, Africa is the land of opportunities when it comes to wealth creation.

12 February 2017

Become Happy Like Gods

By Sicebise Msengana

"Being godless is simply a great thing. We do not have to enslave ourselves with the nonsense beliefs and magical rituals of religions.  We know everything is over with this life. 

Weekend Inspiration: Baby Making Music by Luther Vandross

By Sicebise Msengana

Have you ever been in love? How does it feel to  constantly think about someone special?

Love can make us do CRAZY things at times. Scientific research has proven that love can make us act in ways that we would not normally do because of the feelings of love.

02 February 2017

White Scams Part I: Racist White Women Be Like

By Sicebise Msengana                                                            

I've always believed in a ''race-less society,'' even my earlier posts on this matter reveal this fact. But my gut has always bothered me lately that I decided to check the claims made by various African scholars in Africa and America. And I was a bit shocked by what I saw and read.

As I read more and more on these topics, it dawned on me that the system works in different to deceive, control and co-opt its constituencies.

30 January 2017

2 Ways Individualism and Exceptionalism Kills the Black Revolution: Should Black Men Date out?

By Sicebise Msengana

I don’t know whether we African men should date or sleep with white women or not ( i.e. Non-African females) to prove that we don’t hate non-African people, in particular, white people.

Every time we talk about building for ourselves, everyone else seems to have a problem. Yet, they can exclude us with no problem. When we African men say that it is impossible to build strong African

25 January 2017

This is How You Lose Her

By Sicebise Msengana

I've heard guys say things like "I can't show her too early how much I love her. She might manipulate my weaknesses." To a great extent,  it is true. Some women have a very warped

I'm 100% Xhosa and San-and Proud of it

By Sicebise Msengana

I'm 100% Afrikan. So no cave DNA for me and my people --Xhosa and San. Scientists believe that Bantu peoples migrated from West Africa 5000 years ago and arrived in Southern Africa more than 2000 years ago.

24 January 2017

African erotica: BabyMaking Music

By Sicebise Msengana

I wanted to make this article race neutral and non-political as possible as I can, however,  I couldn’t help but think that it is near impossible to understand the problems of Africans without a social-political context.
It is impossible to understand why one race can enhance itself at the expense of another race by destroying their love life without a social-political context.

22 January 2017

African Erotica: Chocolate Fantasy

By Sicebise Msengana

ROMANCE in the African context is one that is ignored by various scholars and researchers. But Africans have been falling in love for thousands of years. Love-making was and still is essential to the survival of our race. Our ancestors in ancient Egypt and Nubia, had been the creators and mothers of African civilisations and it was vital for them to know about this knowledge.