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Showing posts with label Romantic Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romantic Love. Show all posts

02 August 2017


By Sicebise Msengana

A Xhosa couple. 

BLACK LOVE is REVOLUTIONARY. There's no BLACK POWER/ UNITY/PRIDE without BLACK LOVE. BLACK LOVE is the key to our liberation and empowerment as a people. 

24 March 2017

Don't Take Things Personally

By Sicebise Msengana

"Don't take every rejection or break up personally. Get over it and don't let it define who you are." - Sicebise Msengana

09 March 2017

African Love

By Sicebise Msengana


L♥VE and SEXUALI☥Y are intimately related because they lead to the maintenance and reproduction of the species.

05 March 2017

Angel of Death

By Sicebise Msengana

It was 9 p.m on a Saturday night and I was visiting a friend in hospital. As I was waiting for my turn; a girl about the age of 16 years was put on life support.

27 February 2017

Success is Courage!

By Sicebise Msengana

I love this because life is not for failures and quitters. One of the dumbest things a person can do, is to give up. So cheer up and press foward.

22 February 2017

White Scams Part IV: White Women are Culture Vampires

By Sicebise Msengana

Before we discuss this further, I noticed something very interesting. White females no matter how much they claim to "love" Afrikan male, they will never support his agenda whereas the Afrikan woman is very loyal to her man.

19 February 2017

Weekend Inspiration: Baby Making Music by Teairra Mari

By Sicebise Msengana

Roc-A-Fella Records Presents Teairra MarĂ­ is an album by the African American recording artist and actress Teairra MarĂ­. It was released on August 2, 2005, by Roc-A-Fella Records.

14 February 2017

White Scams Part III: The White Man is the Psychological Father of The Black Man

By Sicebise Msengana

The White man is the psychological father of the Black man. He DEGRADES him, OPPRESSES him, KILLS him and RIDICULES him before the entire world.

He stole his territory (i.e. Africa) and EXPLOITED his manhood and continues to profit from the DEATH and DESTRUCTION of his psychological, son -- the African man. 

12 February 2017

Weekend Inspiration: Baby Making Music by Luther Vandross

By Sicebise Msengana

Have you ever been in love? How does it feel to  constantly think about someone special?

Love can make us do CRAZY things at times. Scientific research has proven that love can make us act in ways that we would not normally do because of the feelings of love.

05 February 2017

Weekend Inspration: Baby Making Music By Peabo Bryson

By Sicebise Msengana

"AFRICAN LOVE: LOVE and SEXUALITY are intimately related because they lead to the maintenance and reproduction of the species. LOVE involves the preservation of oneself and group. If you LOVE your body, LOVE yourself, LOVE your man or woman, LOVE your family, LOVE your people, LOVE your community, you want and work to see them grow and develop. LIFE is about growth, development, transcendence, enhancement, fulfilling one’s potential" --Dr. Amos Wilson.

01 February 2017

Black American Self-Hating Behaviours

By Sicebise Msengana

I've never seen before such hate and rudeness coming from a group of men. American brothers have taken ANTI-BW RACISM way too far. I am reminded of the "Willie Lynch Letter" and it reads "Don't forget you must pitch the old black Male vs. the young black Male, and the young black Male against the old black male.

30 January 2017

2 Ways Individualism and Exceptionalism Kills the Black Revolution: Should Black Men Date out?

By Sicebise Msengana

I don’t know whether we African men should date or sleep with white women or not ( i.e. Non-African females) to prove that we don’t hate non-African people, in particular, white people.

Every time we talk about building for ourselves, everyone else seems to have a problem. Yet, they can exclude us with no problem. When we African men say that it is impossible to build strong African

25 January 2017

This is How You Lose Her

By Sicebise Msengana

I've heard guys say things like "I can't show her too early how much I love her. She might manipulate my weaknesses." To a great extent,  it is true. Some women have a very warped

24 January 2017

African erotica: BabyMaking Music

By Sicebise Msengana

I wanted to make this article race neutral and non-political as possible as I can, however,  I couldn’t help but think that it is near impossible to understand the problems of Africans without a social-political context.
It is impossible to understand why one race can enhance itself at the expense of another race by destroying their love life without a social-political context.

22 January 2017

African Erotica: Chocolate Fantasy

By Sicebise Msengana

ROMANCE in the African context is one that is ignored by various scholars and researchers. But Africans have been falling in love for thousands of years. Love-making was and still is essential to the survival of our race. Our ancestors in ancient Egypt and Nubia, had been the creators and mothers of African civilisations and it was vital for them to know about this knowledge.