By Sicebise Msengana
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Choices are a very important part of our lives. They either make us or break us. Its very important make wise decisions about our lives. Our choices determine our short-term and long-term goals. Are we free to choose our own course in life? Or is our fate (or destiny)already decided, whether by God or some chain of events we didn't create which led to an inevitable future we can't influence?
Choices have consequences. We are free to make choices but we are not free from the consequences of our actions.
Choices have a ''history button.'' Every choice you make creates a history. Make sure it's a history
you will be happy to remember.
you will be happy to remember.
Personal responsibility, not freedom.We are all morally responsible for our choices and their consequences to an extent that we are free to make them. Likewise, we are free to the extent that we can make choices and take responsibility for them. (Freedom isn't the absence of responsibility. but commitment to it.)
Choices become your identity and determine your destiny. Finally, the choices (or decisions) that I make develop into habitual patterns that reveals my character or the person I am becoming. So its no wonder that we sometimes struggle to when making choices, so much is at stake. As the old adage says: ''Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your words, they become your actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.''
Some events are beyond our control. Some events are beyond our control. Circumstances play a critical role. However, we can focus on the things we can control, such as our attitude, companions, studying and working to the best of our abilities, we can help shape our future. For example, she may not have a choice being diagnosed with cancer or diabetes, but she is still free to choose how to respond to it. This is the first choice. Choosing to choose.
Bottom line: Life is really about making choices. Period. Whether you're a man, woman, an executive of a large company or a president of a nation. In a world we are living in everyone wants to make ''BIG'' decisions about their lives, careers, life partner and so on. But no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. God won't make it ''go away'', a person reaps what he sowed. Make wise decisions and live each day so that there won't be regrets later on. I have learned that the right choices can bring me the most treasured commodity in the world -happiness.
Your thoughts?
Bottom line: Life is really about making choices. Period. Whether you're a man, woman, an executive of a large company or a president of a nation. In a world we are living in everyone wants to make ''BIG'' decisions about their lives, careers, life partner and so on. But no one wants to take responsibility for their actions. God won't make it ''go away'', a person reaps what he sowed. Make wise decisions and live each day so that there won't be regrets later on. I have learned that the right choices can bring me the most treasured commodity in the world -happiness.
Your thoughts?
I am choosing to alert the world that very evil people have already decided the planet is overpopulated and have already begun infiltrating governments worldwide and persuading them to effect depopulation measures of many kinds. These measures are the obvious ones of abortion, wars, and such but also the not so obvious ones of poisoning our food, air, water, hygiene products, medications, hospital homicides, and intentionally brainwashing the masses, drugging the masses causing anti-social behaviors. If you are not aware mass billions of lives are in serious and growing danger, or of the fact global enslavement and depopulation measures are already underway; then please read my notes.,,,,,,, WATCH the documentaries in them! because my choice in this regard is to inform as many souls as possible that you and your childrens lives are already under attack and in growing danger every day that passes with such wicked persons in charge of national currencies around the world as such I am advocating all persons to do their best to and implement as soon as possible. Thank you and God Bless you; watch over you and your loved ones for good now and forever. Amen.
Michael,you are correct in every way. We are aware of those atrocities. Killing innocent unborn babies for a ''cause'', starting wars for profits, power etc. Some of us are ready to change and break away from the rest of the herd!!! We people are the voice of change. Not puppets in the DARK!!!
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