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Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

13 August 2021

Be African and Proud

By Sicebise Msengana

I always see the self-hating attitudes towards Africa as coping mechanisms against the 500 year-old racist anti-African propaganda. People whose ancestors suffered slavery and social degradation developed certain survival traits to cope with their surroundings. The invention of races was one of the darkest moments in human history , W. E. B. Du Bois makes the following observation: “There came a new doctrine of universal labor: mankind were of two sorts—the superior and the inferior; the inferior toiled for the superior; and the superior were the real men, the inferior half men or less.”

21 November 2020

White Jesus and Black Devil: Mental Enslavement of Africans

Sicebise Msengana
Jesus is white and whiteness is associated with godliness and divinity. But Satan is black and darkness is associated with evil and occultism. I have said before the Bible is one piece of propaganda used to enslave Africans psychologically, physically, socially and mentally. Christianity was used by its creators to promote white supremacy and black inferiority. We learn from the book of Genesis, Noah cursed his son, Ham' descendants who later became Africans. Europeans and Arabs used the doctrine of the "Curse of Ham" to justify chattel slavery and colonisation of the African continent. 

Because it was believed that black people were cursed. Again, in the book of Exodus, the God of Moses defeated the gods of Africa in Egypt. At that time ancient Egypt was the most powerful empire in the world, but fall to the gods of Caucasians of the Middle East. 

19 March 2018

02 April 2017

Where Was God During Slavery

By Sicebise Msengana

The same place he was when he drowned millions of men, women and children with a globe flood in Noah's days. The same place he was when he punished the entire human race because of the actions of two sinful individuals -- Adam and Eve.

12 February 2017

Become Happy Like Gods

By Sicebise Msengana

"Being godless is simply a great thing. We do not have to enslave ourselves with the nonsense beliefs and magical rituals of religions.  We know everything is over with this life. 

08 February 2017

Science Disproves The Flood of Noah

By Sicebise Msengana

I'm a science lover and I am intrigued by how the universe works. For the past three years, I've made observations based on scientific evidence -- factual evidence supported by scientific discoveries.

06 February 2017

Women Especially African Women Would Very Dumb To Follow Islam

By Sicebise Msengana

The joke is women who are still dumb enough to follow this male chauvinist murder cult that OPPRESSES, DEGRADES, RAPES and KILL innocent women around the world, especially in the Middle East.

31 December 2016

How to Start a Religion in 12 Easy Ways

By Sicebise Msengana

Are you constantly stressed out and broke as an African? Do you want to enjoy life and take full advantage of opportunities? Do you wish to have an intimate relationship with your loved ones or spouse or partner?
In fact, it’s simple, and any African can do it. I have an idea of starting a religio-political cult. You can follow along at home.

29 October 2016


By Sicebise Msengana

Love anti-white rants
Love abusing and mistreating women
Love being a hate teacher and an advocate of violence and murderous acts
Love harassing little girls and boys
Love denying education, health care, housing and public funds on the basis of skin colour, religion, gender and origin
Love being a self-righteous hypocrite
Love cancer
Love oppression
Love unprotected sex
Love hate

03 October 2016

Face Our Fears Boldly

By Sicebise Msengana

I always see the self-hating attitudes towards Africa as coping mechanisms against the 500 year-old racist anti-African propaganda. People whose ancestors suffered slavery and social degradation developed certain survival traits to cope with their surroundings. The invention of races was one of the darkest moments in human history , W. E. B. Du Bois  makes the following observation: “There came a new doctrine of universal labor: mankind were of two sorts—the superior and the inferior; the inferior toiled for the superior; and the superior were the real men, the inferior half men or less.”

24 August 2016

500 Years of Resentment and Anger Against Africans

By Sicebise Msengana

I won't speak for  'Hebrew Israelites' and 'Black Indians', let their advocates speak for them. I will only speak for Africans -- both continental Africans and Diaspora. I understand that these pseudo-identities our people have picked up are coping mechanisms in a white society that bashes anything that looks 'African.' The poor arguments are in contradiction to scientific and archeological evidence. The purpose of these ideologies are to serve as a group therapy for those affected by slavery.

19 August 2016

Religion Has Been a Stumbling Block of Progress

By Sicebise Msengana

" when you do science, you have to put aside religion. You must exclude the divine from your theories about the world. Once you bring in the supernatural, you can explain anything, but none of your explanations can ever be confirmed, since you're using ideas that go beyond human sense"--Steven Weinberg

From its beginning religion has been a stumbling block against scientific developments. The claims made by religious fanatics are fallacious in many ways. Just because religious scientists did or still do scientific work has nothing to do with science. In fact, greatest scientists were and always irreligious and didn't bring science into religion (i.e. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin).

07 August 2016

Secularism: Scepticism Over The Supernatural Fantasies

By Sicebise Msengana

Predictions for the future:
In the years to come there will be a big evolution of religion. In the next 50-100 years, it won't be the religion we know like today. Just as there is a revolution in world religions. Take a look at Christianity, it is not what it used to be. Some of the teachings taught today would make the epistles and martyrs turn in their graves. For example, prosperity gospel that is used to cheat people of their hard earned money by promises of "divine blessings," faith healing and many other outlandish claims.

01 July 2016

Confessions of Nat Turner

By Sicebise Msengana


As fully and voluntarily made to
In the prison where he was confined, and acknowledged by
him to be such when read before the Court of Southampton;
with the certificate, under seal of
the Court convened at Jerusalem,
Nov. 5, 1831, for his trial.

Lucas & Deaver, print.

Page verso

26 May 2016

The Message is Still 'Nonviolence and Forgiveness'?

By Sicebise Msengana

We live in a world in a shadow. Bad things happen everyday and there's nothing we can do about it. However, as we grow we see people doing bad things to other people. We see people discriminate, lynch, brutally beat and kill others. How can we make sense of these atrocious acts committed to innocent people? How do we go about this painful reality?

09 May 2016

Up From Slavery

By Sicebise Msengana

Chapter I. A Slave Among Slaves 

I was born a slave on a plantation in Franklin County, Virginia. I am not quite sure of the exact place or exact date of my birth, but at any rate I suspect I must have been born somewhere and at some time. As nearly as I have been able to learn, I was born near a cross-roads post-office called Hale's Ford, and the year was 1858 or 1859. I do not know the month or the day. The earliest impressions I can now recall are of the plantation and the slave quarters--the latter being the part of the plantation where the slaves had their cabins. 

My life had its beginning in the midst of the most miserable, desolate, and discouraging surroundings. This was so, however, not because my owners were especially cruel, for they were not, as compared with many others. I was born in a typical log cabin, about fourteen by sixteen feet square. In this cabin I lived with my mother and a brother and sister till after the Civil War, when we were all declared free.

30 April 2016

Where Was God During Slavery

By Sicebise Msengana

Where was God during slavery? In other words, what did he do to stop the Transatlantic slave trade? This is a tough question because God has been silent on many issues facing his creation. Instead,  he has been hidden, never letting us see or hear God, but occasionally trying to get our attention through indirect means: "working" through people, revealing his supposed existence through creation and dropping "hints" here and there. But it is not direct.

24 March 2016

Ancient Ethiopian Rock Churches

By Sicebise Msengana

Lalibela is a town in Ethiopia famous for its rock-cut churches. Lalibela is one of Ethiopia's holiest cities, second only to Aksum , and a center of worship. Massive eleven rock-hewn churches , each carved out of a single block of granite with its roof at ground level. The current town of Lalibela was known as Roha.

19 March 2016

Why Hell is intellectual laziness and morally wrong

By Sicebise Msengana

According Wikipedia, there are roughly 4, 200 religions in the world. With each religion is a God or gods. While Christianity, Islam and Judaism are monotheistic religions, some religions such as Hinduism boost up to 33 million gods or more as shown in the Huffpost study.

Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."

17 March 2016

The Real Medusa

By Unknown author
Pic: Sicebiseonline

Medusa, a real woman, was the Afrikan serpent-goddess said to have worn a pouch around her waist containing live snakes that represented wisdom and renewal. She was said to have carried the original Gorgon mask to frighten off the unskilled, and it was painted red to symbolize the power of menstrual blood with “gruesome glaring eyes, bared fanged teeth and, like the Hindu Goddess Kali, a protruding tongue” Goddess Inspired . Her name
derived from Egyptian Maat (Truth) “which also gives us the words medicine, mathematics, and Sanskrit medha (