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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

26 December 2023

21st Century Crossroads: Times Are Changing Rapidly

 By Sicebise Msengana 

A Traditional Xhosa Man in a Postmodern World

Last week, I was asked about my views on modernity. My response was simple: I am a traditional Xhosa man living in a postmodern world. While I acknowledge the advancements shaping our era, I cannot say I support everything unfolding in this technologically driven age. Liberalism and multiculturalism, for example, often clash with my worldview.

17 November 2023

1984: AI, Big Tech, Government Surveillance, propaganda and control

 By Sicebise Msengana 

After reading "1984", I realised that its author, George Orwell, predicted what will happen in a high tech world. The book is set in a totalitarian state called Oceania, where the government, led by the Party, controls every aspect its population. The novel explores themes of manipulation, surveillance and consequences of an absolute dictatorship.

13 May 2023

Black People Need a New Extremist Social Theory

 By Sicebise Msengana 

There was a time when I thought about black men having interracial mixing with women of other races, so that black people can inherit the "suicidal" genes. Senditsho the bloodlines of hostility, conquering and warmongering (triad traits) that are prone in non-black populations outside Africa. My argument was that African or black genes are too peaceful, and loving. Black people are not a warring race. We too kind to be a dominant race.

11 December 2020

Africa Doesn't Need Sick People

One brother once said to me “I never will get tested. I don’t want to be stressed out about my status.” Well, that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in my life. I tried to hide my dissatisfaction, I couldn’t help but think that it is impossible for the African people to advance, grow and stand as a DIGNIFIED and RESPECTED people among other nations, when we neglect a very important essential part of nation building: health care.

22 December 2017

Famous Hollywood Racist Stereotypes About African Men

By Sicebise Msengana

Racist Hollywood likes to portray us African men as warlords and savagely GENOCIDAL brutes carrying machine guns and machetes. 
African men don't smile or cry. We are always angry. We rape and kill for no apparent reason. 

1. Scammers. In order for African men to make it in life, they have to date or marry western women for green cards and money. We also have card scams up our sleeves.

13 December 2017


By Sicebise Msengana

It's that time again, where I get to read books until 3 a.m in the morning. Every year I make my book recommendations to the public. This year is no different.

02 August 2017


By Sicebise Msengana

A Xhosa couple. 

BLACK LOVE is REVOLUTIONARY. There's no BLACK POWER/ UNITY/PRIDE without BLACK LOVE. BLACK LOVE is the key to our liberation and empowerment as a people. 

04 July 2017

The Universe Owes us Nothing Except For the Gift of Life and Luck

By Sicebise Msengana

Do you struggle to find meaning in life? Are you feeling powerless and at the mercy of circumstances in your life? What if The Universe Owes us Nothing Except For the Gift of Life and Luck could motivate you to take responsibility for your life and live a life of purpose, happiness and freedom in spite of current painful situations in your life? Does it sound too good to be true? 

Well, it’s not. Come along for a bumpy, yet a realistic ride and discover what lies ahead. 

The Universe Owes us Nothing Except For the Gift of Life and Luck tells human accomplishment and tragedy from an African-centred perspective. This book comes along personal and historic overview of how things are the way they are and what we need to do to create a better world for the future generations. 

08 April 2017

White Scams Part 4: DEADLY GAMES

By Sicebise Msengana

Hey Becky watch your filthy mouth about Black women!

When Black men lack self-control & are throughly brainwashed, they're set up for DESTRUCTION & GENOCIDE!

As an African man, I don't think it is a wise thing for brothas to sit idle & not protect the image of Black women. Why? Your DIGNITY & MANHOOD depends on how Black women are treated.

As long as Black women are DEGRADED, BASHED & UNPROTECTED, you won't make it in this existing political & economic system. To compete with European and Asian males, Black men need to build economic power, political clout and control all industries with Black women.

12 March 2017

Africa Manhood Part 4

By Sicebise Msengana

I make no apologies! The African man is the only "crush" that a Black woman should aspire to have in her life. The African man is the only bull in the kraal.

09 March 2017

African Love

By Sicebise Msengana


L♥VE and SEXUALI☥Y are intimately related because they lead to the maintenance and reproduction of the species.

07 March 2017

The Black Community Needs To Practice Group Economics

By Sicebise Msengana

Onitaset Kumat makes excellent remarks "It’s sad, but our recent rap culture, with its excesses on jewelery, automobiles and fashion has minimized the African’s natural quest for

Quotes About Revolutionary War From Mao Tse Tung

By Sicebise Msengana

I'm not a peace keeper. I'm a peace maker. The African revolution is the only possible way to prevent Africans and restore peace and stability in the African region.

27 February 2017

White Scams Part V: White Media

By Sicebise Msengana

Johannesburg, South Africa.

Personally I don't have a problem with White folks even though they are not making an honest effort to make things right. In other words, my criticism of White people is not misdirected anger or I'm "hating people for the actions of their ancestors."

22 February 2017

African Wealth: Afrika's Billionaires

By Sicebise Msengana

Despite centuries-old legacies of slavery, colonialism and apartheid; Africa continues to be the fastest growing powerhouse in the world. Indeed, Africa is the land of opportunities when it comes to wealth creation.

White Scams Part IV: White Women are Culture Vampires

By Sicebise Msengana

Before we discuss this further, I noticed something very interesting. White females no matter how much they claim to "love" Afrikan male, they will never support his agenda whereas the Afrikan woman is very loyal to her man.

14 February 2017

White Scams Part III: The White Man is the Psychological Father of The Black Man

By Sicebise Msengana

The White man is the psychological father of the Black man. He DEGRADES him, OPPRESSES him, KILLS him and RIDICULES him before the entire world.

He stole his territory (i.e. Africa) and EXPLOITED his manhood and continues to profit from the DEATH and DESTRUCTION of his psychological, son -- the African man. 

08 February 2017

Science Disproves The Flood of Noah

By Sicebise Msengana

I'm a science lover and I am intrigued by how the universe works. For the past three years, I've made observations based on scientific evidence -- factual evidence supported by scientific discoveries.

07 February 2017

White Scams Part II: The White Man is The Psychological Abusive Lover of The Black Woman

By Sicebise Msengana

The white man is the psychological abusive lover of the Black woman. He rapes her, treats her like a hoe, manipulates her, frustrates her and degrades her. He robs, enslaves and kills her men -- African males.

He kidnapped her in Africa to sexually victimise her for over 400 years in American plantations ( plus 3000 years of Arab assault on African women), stole her legitimate territory ( i.e. Africa) through extortion and massive genocidal crimes, sexually abused her again during the Jim Crow laws and apartheid.

02 February 2017

Start and support Black Businesses

By Sicebise Msengana

Besides White supremacy there's nothing holding Africans back from achieving wealth and political power.

It's understandably normal that for the last 500 years we done little to nothing to fight back against European and Asian colonial thugs, but in the past 50 years we have done absolutely nothing but march and protest as if our European and Asian oppressors really cared.