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Showing posts with label Europeans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europeans. Show all posts

26 December 2023

21st Century Crossroads: Times Are Changing Rapidly

 By Sicebise Msengana 

A Traditional Xhosa Man in a Postmodern World

Last week, I was asked about my views on modernity. My response was simple: I am a traditional Xhosa man living in a postmodern world. While I acknowledge the advancements shaping our era, I cannot say I support everything unfolding in this technologically driven age. Liberalism and multiculturalism, for example, often clash with my worldview.

21 November 2020

White Jesus and Black Devil: Mental Enslavement of Africans

Sicebise Msengana
Jesus is white and whiteness is associated with godliness and divinity. But Satan is black and darkness is associated with evil and occultism. I have said before the Bible is one piece of propaganda used to enslave Africans psychologically, physically, socially and mentally. Christianity was used by its creators to promote white supremacy and black inferiority. We learn from the book of Genesis, Noah cursed his son, Ham' descendants who later became Africans. Europeans and Arabs used the doctrine of the "Curse of Ham" to justify chattel slavery and colonisation of the African continent. 

Because it was believed that black people were cursed. Again, in the book of Exodus, the God of Moses defeated the gods of Africa in Egypt. At that time ancient Egypt was the most powerful empire in the world, but fall to the gods of Caucasians of the Middle East. 

15 August 2020

What It Means To Be A True Rasta: African Liberation Movement

By Sicebise Msengana

What it means to be a true Rasta:  I'm not against smoking of weed, but a lot of people smoke a joint, listen to Reggae music and start seeing themselves as Rastas. In the Bible,  Samson was the first recorded Rasta who made a covenant with Jah/God. Samson was born in a time of infliction and poverty for the Hebrew nation. In the book of Judges, we find Hebrews crying out to Jah for a savior. Jah heard their prayers and sent Samson to help the Hebrew nation fight the Philistine heathens with a boot over their neck.

30 July 2020

Strong African Families

By Sicebise Msengana
I have said many times before, there can't be black people in the world without the black man, black woman and black child. 

The revolution of African people against foreign domination (i.e. European and Asian etc.) begins at home. There can't be strong African communities with African families. There can't be strong African businesses without African families. There can't be strong African marriages without African families. There can't be strong black power movements without African families. There can't be healthy, productive African men, African women and children without African families. There can't be an empowered Africa without African families. There can't be strong African culture, languages, traditions, values and orientations without African families. There can't be strong African unity without African families.

 Family is the important part of REVOLUTION. 

08 July 2020

White Allies: Why it is Difficult To Make Friends With White People

By Sicebise Msengana

As an African nationalist, I find it difficult to find common ground with white people, especially in topics that involve race, in particular racism without being accused of hate. It's not "hate" as most white people allegedly assume.

07 April 2018

Pan-African Identity

By Sicebise Msengana

"Black, or Blackness, tells you how you look without telling you who you are, whereas Africa, or Africans, relates you to land, history, and culture"– John Hendrik Clarke

31 March 2018

Race Conscious Women: Betty Shabazz

By Sicebise Msengana

Betty Shabazz is known as the wife of the African nationalist leader, Malcolm X. She was born Betty Dean Sanders on May 28, 1934 in Detroit. She studied at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.

Race Conscious Women: Winnie Madikizela Mandela

By Sicebise Msengana

It's worthy to start with Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela. No woman endured suffering and humiliation at the hands of the white man in modern history like Mama Mandela. She was born in Bizana, in the Transkei on 26 September 1936. Her first experience of the cruelties and injustices of racism/apartheid was when she was only 9 years.

30 March 2018


By Sicebise Msengana

In my activism, I've came across questions like "Why do you hate white people"? or "You're a hater!" If calling out white folks for their part in oppressing and exploiting my people makes me a hateful racist, so be it.


By Sicebise Msengana

It is not an attitude or some emotion, but a way of life for the masses of white folks. Yet, some naive folks, especially African Americans ( Hebrew Israelites and Indigenous Black American Indian cults) believe that a white supremacist named Adolf Hitler was a friend of Africans globally.

23 March 2018


By Sicebise Msengana

S A SCHOLAR and REVOLUTIONARY leader so POWERFUL, INTELLIGENT, ELOQUENT and CHARISMTIC that the European colonists chose to negotiate with Nelson Mandela over him. The mastermind behind the 21 March 1960 march.


By Sicebise Msengana

21 March 2018, the 57th anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre, what can be learned on this day? UNITY!


  • By Sicebise Msengana

: A lot of our people think that apartheid (racism) is white policemen going around and killing people. And then they clap hands and say, "Apartheid will never happen again!"

20 March 2018


By Sicebise Msengana

 I watched this movie, but it was too boring and predictable. The central theme -- Tarzan (and Jane) and the Apes.