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Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label culture. Show all posts

26 December 2023

21st Century Crossroads: Times Are Changing Rapidly

 By Sicebise Msengana 

A Traditional Xhosa Man in a Postmodern World

Last week, I was asked about my views on modernity. My response was simple: I am a traditional Xhosa man living in a postmodern world. While I acknowledge the advancements shaping our era, I cannot say I support everything unfolding in this technologically driven age. Liberalism and multiculturalism, for example, often clash with my worldview.

28 July 2020

The Destiny of African People is Controlled by Europeans through African women

By Sicebise Msengana
Have you ever wondered why black people find themselves in compromising positions globally? I think part of the problem emanates from the wombs of black women. Throughout history white men have sought to control the wombs of African women to ensure the survival of white supremacy and ENSLAVEMENT of African people.

22 July 2020


By Sicebise Msengana

African men, why marry one wife when it's a man's nature to be POLYGAMOUS? In nature, alpha males breed with as many females as possible to spread their genes, provide and protect females in their group. Polygamous men don't control and abuse women because they have many options. Their resources and lives don't revolve around obsessing over one woman. A POLYGAMOUS man is a philanthropist who distributes wealth among women in his harem to help the most vulnerable in society. Women also get to elevate above competitive jealousy, emulate each other and benefit from a committed husband.