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02 February 2017

White Scams Part I: Racist White Women Be Like

By Sicebise Msengana                                                            

I've always believed in a ''race-less society,'' even my earlier posts on this matter reveal this fact. But my gut has always bothered me lately that I decided to check the claims made by various African scholars in Africa and America. And I was a bit shocked by what I saw and read.

As I read more and more on these topics, it dawned on me that the system works in different to deceive, control and co-opt its constituencies.

01 February 2017

Black American Self-Hating Behaviours

By Sicebise Msengana

I've never seen before such hate and rudeness coming from a group of men. American brothers have taken ANTI-BW RACISM way too far. I am reminded of the "Willie Lynch Letter" and it reads "Don't forget you must pitch the old black Male vs. the young black Male, and the young black Male against the old black male.

30 January 2017

2 Ways Individualism and Exceptionalism Kills the Black Revolution: Should Black Men Date out?

By Sicebise Msengana

I don’t know whether we African men should date or sleep with white women or not ( i.e. Non-African females) to prove that we don’t hate non-African people, in particular, white people.

Every time we talk about building for ourselves, everyone else seems to have a problem. Yet, they can exclude us with no problem. When we African men say that it is impossible to build strong African

26 January 2017

Africans Must Protect Themselves against Asian Aggression and Imperialism

By Sicebise Msengana

Just as Dr. John H. Clarke mentioned that wannabe whites are dangerous,  they fight so hard to be accepted by Europeans (whites). One of the most ignored aspects of history, is the Arab invasion of Africa. But I know that it has to do with most Africans being Muslims, both in Africa and America.

25 January 2017

This is How You Lose Her

By Sicebise Msengana

I've heard guys say things like "I can't show her too early how much I love her. She might manipulate my weaknesses." To a great extent,  it is true. Some women have a very warped

I'm 100% Xhosa and San-and Proud of it

By Sicebise Msengana

I'm 100% Afrikan. So no cave DNA for me and my people --Xhosa and San. Scientists believe that Bantu peoples migrated from West Africa 5000 years ago and arrived in Southern Africa more than 2000 years ago.