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05 September 2016

No to Criminal Philosophies in The Name of Multiracialism

By Sicebise Msengana

Sex is the principle around which the whole structure of [White Supremacy] . . . is organized.” Gunnar Myrdal

Being a “100% African”, in a sense of I don’t have any foreign,  non-African blood in my veins, makes me want to continue my genetic and cultural lineage intact. It is also a privilege because Southern Africans carry the oldest gene and colour in the world. This year I've discovered something powerful and that is you cannot be against white supremacy/racism and still sleep with it. No cut all ties with those who maintain and support the system, in that way you're can fight white supremacy more effectively. Less noise and confusion.

30 August 2016

Are You Really African as You Claim?

By Sicebise Msengana

How African are you?

*Your parents won’t give you privacy because its their house

*Your mother hits you and hits you harder if you keep on crying

*When you have uncles and aunts younger than you

*You drink tea even when its blazing hot outside

*When your parents yell at you for hurting yourself

25 August 2016

The Myth of African Deadbeat Fathers

By Sicebise  Msengana

Dr. Umar Johnson writes "You’ve heard the rumors, for they are everywhere, and although unproven, they still resonate as “facts” throughout much of American society. The untruth that Black men don’t want to care for their children has become a staple in American folklore. Even sadder is the fact that these rumors are not only postulated by the numerically dominant white majority of this country, but are actually created, maintained and reinforced by the Black community itself...."

24 August 2016

500 Years of Resentment and Anger Against Africans

By Sicebise Msengana

I won't speak for  'Hebrew Israelites' and 'Black Indians', let their advocates speak for them. I will only speak for Africans -- both continental Africans and Diaspora. I understand that these pseudo-identities our people have picked up are coping mechanisms in a white society that bashes anything that looks 'African.' The poor arguments are in contradiction to scientific and archeological evidence. The purpose of these ideologies are to serve as a group therapy for those affected by slavery.

20 August 2016

Modern African Traditional Clothing

By Sicebise Msengana

The feelings of so-called civilisation are mixed. What may appear as 'civilisation' might be instincts.

"My  own  impression,  from  having  divided  my  life  between United  States  cities  and  New  Guinea  villages,  is  that  the  so-called  blessings of  civilization  are  mixed.  For  example,  compared  with  hunter-gatherers, citizens  of  modern  industrialized  states  enjoy  better  medical  care,  lower risk  of  death  by  homicide,  and  a  longer  life  span,  but  receive  much  less social  support  from  friendships  and  extended  families.  My  motive  for investigating  these  geographic  differences  in  human  societies

19 August 2016

Religion Has Been a Stumbling Block of Progress

By Sicebise Msengana

" when you do science, you have to put aside religion. You must exclude the divine from your theories about the world. Once you bring in the supernatural, you can explain anything, but none of your explanations can ever be confirmed, since you're using ideas that go beyond human sense"--Steven Weinberg

From its beginning religion has been a stumbling block against scientific developments. The claims made by religious fanatics are fallacious in many ways. Just because religious scientists did or still do scientific work has nothing to do with science. In fact, greatest scientists were and always irreligious and didn't bring science into religion (i.e. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin).