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“Sex is the principle around which the whole structure of [White Supremacy] . . . is organized.” Gunnar Myrdal
Being a “100% African”, in a sense of I don’t have any foreign, non-African blood in my veins, makes me want to continue my genetic and cultural lineage intact. It is also a privilege because Southern Africans carry the oldest gene and colour in the world. This year I've discovered something powerful and that is you cannot be against white supremacy/racism and still sleep with it. No cut all ties with those who maintain and support the system, in that way you're can fight white supremacy more effectively. Less noise and confusion.
Dr Umar Johnson is constantly warning us about the dangers of these sexual relations with non-Africans, but our people have ignored him. These biracial babies who are African in body, but non-African in mind. The best example is Barack Obama who has betrayed his own family in favour of his white mother’s side. He bombed Africa and executed Gaddafi, a better man, to protect the interests of white people. He signed reparations checks for the Jewish community and gave the African American community nothing after suffering in a land of bondage for over four hundred years. The LGBT community has received both financial and legislation support and no law has been passed to protect African lives gunned down white AmeriKlan cops.
My people being very naive, gullible and child-like are running around seeking approval and validation of whites. After centuries of slavery, colonialism and apartheid, they haven’t learnt a thing. The oppressed cannot under any circumstances identify with the oppressor. Lions and Zebras don’t mix because of their differences.
Sex and interracial marriages have been a powerful components of the illegitimate and corrupt global system of white supremacy. Sexual exploitation of Africans has been documented throughout history. Dr. Chancellor Williams chronicles the events in his book, The Destruction of Black Civilisation: “The Portuguese Christianization of the Kongo created something more than chaos. It was a revolting mess, no matter from what angle it is viewed. To begin with, priests were not only among the leading slave traders, but they also owned slave ships to carry the "black cargoes" to distant lands. Priests also had their harems of black girls, some having as many as twenty each. They were called "house servants" by these "holy fathers." The great majority of the whites were the scum of the land from which they came. Even the half-educated priests were generally of the very invest character, morally and otherwise...one of the main attractions that drew thousands of white men was their unlimited sexual freedom with all the black girls and women who were enslaved and helpless in the power of their masters. These “wholesale raids" on black womanhood continued to swell the mulatto population, the majority of which, as in the case of Egypt and the Sudan, became the faithful servants and loyal representatives of- the conquering races to which their fathers belonged” ( pg. 253).
Many white AmeriKlan slave masters increased their “property”, through forced sexual relations. These female slaves had no choice but to comply with the slave masters’ demands: “I was born June 15th, 1789, in Charles County, Maryland, on a farm belonging to Mr. Francis Newman, about a mile from Port Tobacco. My mother was a slave of Dr. Josiah McPherson, but hired to the Mr. Newman to whom my father belonged. The only incident I can remembered which occurred while my mother continued on Mr. Newman's farm, was the appearance one day of my father with his head bloody and his back lacerated. He was beside himself with mingled rage and suffering. The explanation I picked up from the conversation of others only partially explained the matter to my mind; but as I grew older I understood it all. It seemed the overseer had sent my mother away from the other field hands to a retired place, and after trying persuasion in vain, had resorted to force to accomplish a brutal purpose. Her screams aroused my father at his distant work, and running up, he found his wife struggling with the man. Furious at the sight, he sprung upon him like a tiger. In a moment the overseer was down, and, mastered by rage, my father would have killed him but for the entreaties of my mother, and the overseer's own promise that nothing should ever be said of the matter. The promise was kept- - like most promises of the cowardly and debased- - as long as the danger lasted” ( Josiah Henson , Uncle Tom's Story of His Life: An Autobiography of the Rev. Josiah Henson )
From these examples it is pretty clear that white people were and are still sexual predators. White supremacy feeds on interpersonal relationships between Europeans and non-whites , for it to survive. It needs confusion and disorder by dating/ marriage. That’s why one cannot say things like “I’m pro-African, but I can be with whoever I want.” The Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King failed at creating a multiracial society was simply they integrated Africans into a burning house. The objective is the recognition of the African as a human being, but all these romantic philosophies have failed to give our people this recognition because these leaders were warped in methods of achieving this goal.
Africans are not against the spirit of love, but love shouldn’t be a substitute for justice. We Africans reject dating/ interracial unions with non-Africans, because it is not in our interest. History has been a great teacher—the outcome of those relationships has been a disservice to the cause of African agency. Multiracialism or intergeneration weakens African political and economic power as well. Loving anyone except yourself is the worst form of hate. Africans must focus on loving and marrying one another and building strong African communities. Dr. Runoko Rashidi said,“For Black people to talk about building up the Black community, marrying other Black people, spending money in the Black community, educating the children in that community and supporting other Black people is neither racism or racist. It is collective self-preservation and good common sense.”
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