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15 January 2017

Weekend Inspiration

By Sicebise Msengana

1. Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t turn out – take another shot. — Unknown

14 January 2017

How to Get and Keep a Black Guy

By Sicebise Msengana

Are you a white woman or a non-African female struggling to find a black guy? Do you wish you could date or even marry a black dude?

What if I told you that you could solve all of your life’s problems and live a life full of love and sexual freedom while being “possessed” by a strong, loving black man?

12 January 2017

Signs That She is Cheating on You

By Sicebise Msengana

DISCLAIMER: I’m not an expert in relationship (or marriage) stuff. But I have dated women longer enough to figure out what the heck is on women’s minds. The best thing to do would probably be seeing a marriage/relationship counsellor.

10 January 2017

Dr Amos Wilson : Blue Print For Black Power!

By Sicebise Msengana

As I've said before, I'm a solution-oriented blogger, law student, thinker and writer. I'm not an apologist for white domination nor am I a House Slave. Anything that is based on the DEATH,  DESTRUCTION and DEGRADATION of the African people will either surrender or be destroyed. All debts must be paid in blood!

09 January 2017

Why Do White Girls Date Black Guys?

By Sicebise Msengana

Indeed, love sees no colour. People are free to love whomever they want.

Basically because they both are human beings. And human beings are looking for a mate, someone to make love to, have fun with, and talk to. By "see no colour", it is to admit that people can innocently fall in love without thinking about colour. It happens all the time.

It's human to do so. But we do not live in fantasy world or some post-racial utopian world.  And I've often written on the matter before the solution for racism is not interracial sex/marriage, but the destruction or ending white power.

Why is it all superficial stuff? She just exoticize and eroticise black men. I hope White women can do better than this. Watch the below video.

Types of African women

By Sicebise Msengana

AFRICAN PEOPLE’S LIBERATION ARMY: This army is powerful because all its women want to DESTROY the enemy’s strength and win social and REVOLUTIONARY POLITICAL POWER for the African people.