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Showing posts with label Love and relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love and relationships. Show all posts

16 December 2016

Summer Reading List 2016

By Sicebise Msengana

It’s that time of the year when I get to read books until 3 a.m. The objective of preserving oneself and disintegrating enemy troops is the basis of military, economic, social, cultural and political principles.

03 December 2016

Would you Trade your Soul in Exchange for Wealth and Fame?

By Sicebise Msengana

My rich uncle used to say 'I'm at a good place. Not emotionally... I'm at the bank to check my babies [money].' OK, he actually never said that.  But most people have an intimate attachment to money, that they would die without money. 

Try to imagine...

30 November 2016

Real Love Counts The Most in The Long Term

By Sicebise Msengana

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
Ann Landers

During my time in high school, I had a massive amount of love for a beautiful girl.  Sometimes I would lay awake at night and think  about my crush, I would close my eyes and see myself asking her out.

We would laugh at each other’s jokes and cuddle like puppies...until I opened my eyes. This fantasy could keep me busy for hours on end. The daydreaming continued until I summoned my courage to ask for her number. Which she gave me. The first dates were great. It was the best period of my life...what a connection!

27 November 2016

The African man is The Only Teacher of the African child

By Sicebise Msengana

African manhood: White men and other non-black men (e.g. Arabs, Indians, Chinese etc.), cannot truly empower the black woman and her offspring—in the ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, SOCIAL, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL survival.

It takes an African man to teach the black child about black consciousness and how to be a black man/woman in this society.

~The African Love Movement~

24 November 2016

What Anti-racist whites should do to help

By Sicebise Msengana

'White people, collectively, DO NOT CARE about the TRUTH of what is being said, written, or broadcast about black people as long as the FOCUS stays on “what is wrong with black people” and the PRESSURE keeps black people on the self-defeating treadmill of proving to (CONVINCING) whites that blacks are not inferior'.-TrojanPam

I think one of the BIGGEST problems with white ‘anti-racism’ activism is the fact that race for white people is not a struggle they have to endure on a day-to-day basis unlike Africans. So to them, the discussion of ‘RACE’, gets them on a defensive mode and most white people literally IMPLY to the VICTIMS of racism/white supremacy—‘You’re the ones keeping racism alive.’

19 November 2016

African Manhood

By Sicebise Msengana

Everyone understands self-preservation and Group economics, except for African people. African people refuse to exercise collective economic, political, genetic and cultural action where we organise, arm( or fighting to destroy the enemy's military strength through military operations), finance a UNIFIED political agenda and establish revolutionary power.
When other ethnic groups such as Chinese,

10 November 2016

Total Empowerment of the African People

By Sicebise Msengana

I’ve been following the developments in black America for some time. I can tell that our people in America are divided. The core tenets of white supremacy is dividing those who are conquered, in the hope of keeping the system alive. The gender wars between the black males and black females serve such a purpose.
 I was reading some comments on a so-called black feminist blog and I quote ‘I am so done with Black people-both males and females. Both of them are ardently anti Black woman and minds filled with internalized racism. I

02 November 2016

Is Interracial Dating and Marriage the solution to the African woman's problems?

By Sicebise Msengana

I understand that most Diaspora Africans bask in the glory of being tricultural (Here I’m trying to find common ground with people who feel the need to  ‘honour’ their non-African ancestry) , after the rape of many Female slaves by white masters. And as a result, are ‘mixed.’ But as a 20-something full-bloodied African male, and a direct descendant of the Xhosa Kingdom, I have no empathy or pay homage to no foreign invader/ slavemaster ancestry—my ancestry doesn’t go beyond the shores of Africa. Instead,  I’m concerned with the pain and suffering of African people across the world.

31 October 2016

Preservation of African Heritage

By Sicebise Msengana

Should Africans go back to the old ways in order to solve their problems? No. There are certain negative and outdated aspects in the African culture, like all cultures that need to updated in order to work for us in the 21th century. The world has changed. It’s time to catch up.

29 October 2016


By Sicebise Msengana

Love anti-white rants
Love abusing and mistreating women
Love being a hate teacher and an advocate of violence and murderous acts
Love harassing little girls and boys
Love denying education, health care, housing and public funds on the basis of skin colour, religion, gender and origin
Love being a self-righteous hypocrite
Love cancer
Love oppression
Love unprotected sex
Love hate

18 October 2016

African men: Loving Your African Women is Revolutionary

By Sicebise Msengana

Every African is my blood brother whether they admit it. As an African brother,  I fully understand the things that my brothers go through. I have experienced the emotions. Many of my brothers were hurt by  their girlfriends, wives or mothers. And this experience scared them for life. As a result, some brothers choose to detach their emotional selves and only show up physically or worse, date, breed or share a bed with non-African woman.

15 October 2016

African Fatherhood On The Brink of Destruction

By Sicebise Msengana

When an African man has fulfilled his duties as a man, he is treated as man and given special privileges reserved for manhood. The first duty of work is  protecting women and children at all costs, even if it means laying down your life. In traditional African societies, manhood was earned on merit, not demanded. So growing a long beard and sleeping around with light-skinned girls doesn’t count. An old African proverb says“Indoda intle ngenkomo zayo.“ Which meant a man was dignified and respected by his wealth. In order for a man to accumulate wealth he had to work hard to earn that wealth.

03 October 2016

Face Our Fears Boldly

By Sicebise Msengana

I always see the self-hating attitudes towards Africa as coping mechanisms against the 500 year-old racist anti-African propaganda. People whose ancestors suffered slavery and social degradation developed certain survival traits to cope with their surroundings. The invention of races was one of the darkest moments in human history , W. E. B. Du Bois  makes the following observation: “There came a new doctrine of universal labor: mankind were of two sorts—the superior and the inferior; the inferior toiled for the superior; and the superior were the real men, the inferior half men or less.”

06 September 2016

You Create Your Reality

Litha Mlido Mdunana

Let ME Tell you something you didnt know about you : You create your own reality and no one does it for but you so dont blame others for what you created. Instead take full responsible for that because you dont blame anyone when you are successful in life you take the full credit. Well vice vercer you must also give credit to yourself for your Failures and remember failing is there to push u on a different directions were success is disguised as hard work,sleepless nights.


05 September 2016


The Ultimate Teacher

July 17, 2016

The Ultimate Teacher

A person may attend the most prestigious universities filled with professors with impressive credentials and academic achievements—and from a worldly understanding, one would tend to believe that these are the ultimate source of teaching and knowledge. In such worshipping of traditional academia, the concept of a higher teaching source becomes blurred.

19 August 2016

Religion Has Been a Stumbling Block of Progress

By Sicebise Msengana

" when you do science, you have to put aside religion. You must exclude the divine from your theories about the world. Once you bring in the supernatural, you can explain anything, but none of your explanations can ever be confirmed, since you're using ideas that go beyond human sense"--Steven Weinberg

From its beginning religion has been a stumbling block against scientific developments. The claims made by religious fanatics are fallacious in many ways. Just because religious scientists did or still do scientific work has nothing to do with science. In fact, greatest scientists were and always irreligious and didn't bring science into religion (i.e. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin).

07 August 2016

Secularism: Scepticism Over The Supernatural Fantasies

By Sicebise Msengana

Predictions for the future:
In the years to come there will be a big evolution of religion. In the next 50-100 years, it won't be the religion we know like today. Just as there is a revolution in world religions. Take a look at Christianity, it is not what it used to be. Some of the teachings taught today would make the epistles and martyrs turn in their graves. For example, prosperity gospel that is used to cheat people of their hard earned money by promises of "divine blessings," faith healing and many other outlandish claims.

25 July 2016

Make a Difference

By Sicebise Msengana

There are eternal optimists who will lie in your face and tell you what you want to hear. Modern humans first appeared around 200,000 years ago.  Much time is spent on discussing ways to ‘help’ the world but no real help is ever sent. Minorities groups like Native Americans, atheists, pygmies, albinos, San, Australian aborigines, homosexuals, women and children ( mostly girls) are still oppressed. Religious and political leaders are given right to preach hate, intolerance and the need to rid the world of non-believers. Why there is no public outrage? Simply because we use different strokes for different people. Nation against nation fighting, each other for dominance—on land, air and sea. Tribe against tribe. Widespread terrorism, mass rape, massacres and wars raging all around the globe. We are the only species that boasts about taking man to the space. Yet we cannot living peace in earth.

21 May 2016

21 Biggest Mistakes We Make in Relationships

By Sicebise Msengana

1. We are afraid of committing --emotionally or physically.

2. We are not honest.

3. The worst relationship advice we were ever told was to sit on the problems. Yes, if only problems fixed themselves.

4. Many people think they're not worthy of respect, kindness and true love in relationships.

18 March 2016

Why Do You Hate on the Female So Hard ?

By Sicebise Msengana


Why Do You Hate on the Female So Hard ?
Who Else Can be Your Wife, Your Lover, and Friend ?
When You Denigrate the Woman, You Can't Possibly Win.
Who Else is Gonna Bear Your Child ?
Who's Gonna Love You, When There are No Smiles ?
Women Raise Tomorrow, that's for Sure
Their High Self-Esteem, Men must Insure.
You Think It's Cool, to Call Her a " Ho ".
When It is to Her, for Comfort and Family, You must Go.
Why Do You Spit out Misogynistic Words ?
Don't You Know to the World, You Look Absurd ?
Only a Fool Bites the Hand which Feeds Him.
We Can Never be Divine without Them.