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19 November 2016

African Manhood

By Sicebise Msengana

Everyone understands self-preservation and Group economics, except for African people. African people refuse to exercise collective economic, political, genetic and cultural action where we organise, arm( or fighting to destroy the enemy's military strength through military operations), finance a UNIFIED political agenda and establish revolutionary power.
When other ethnic groups such as Chinese,

10 November 2016

Total Empowerment of the African People

By Sicebise Msengana

I’ve been following the developments in black America for some time. I can tell that our people in America are divided. The core tenets of white supremacy is dividing those who are conquered, in the hope of keeping the system alive. The gender wars between the black males and black females serve such a purpose.
 I was reading some comments on a so-called black feminist blog and I quote ‘I am so done with Black people-both males and females. Both of them are ardently anti Black woman and minds filled with internalized racism. I

02 November 2016

Is Interracial Dating and Marriage the solution to the African woman's problems?

By Sicebise Msengana

I understand that most Diaspora Africans bask in the glory of being tricultural (Here I’m trying to find common ground with people who feel the need to  ‘honour’ their non-African ancestry) , after the rape of many Female slaves by white masters. And as a result, are ‘mixed.’ But as a 20-something full-bloodied African male, and a direct descendant of the Xhosa Kingdom, I have no empathy or pay homage to no foreign invader/ slavemaster ancestry—my ancestry doesn’t go beyond the shores of Africa. Instead,  I’m concerned with the pain and suffering of African people across the world.

31 October 2016

Preservation of African Heritage

By Sicebise Msengana

Should Africans go back to the old ways in order to solve their problems? No. There are certain negative and outdated aspects in the African culture, like all cultures that need to updated in order to work for us in the 21th century. The world has changed. It’s time to catch up.

29 October 2016


By Sicebise Msengana

Love anti-white rants
Love abusing and mistreating women
Love being a hate teacher and an advocate of violence and murderous acts
Love harassing little girls and boys
Love denying education, health care, housing and public funds on the basis of skin colour, religion, gender and origin
Love being a self-righteous hypocrite
Love cancer
Love oppression
Love unprotected sex
Love hate

27 October 2016

Africans Must Unite Against Injustices

By Sicebise Msengana

As a direct descendant of the Xhosa Kingdom—the royal nation of Kings and Queens and Priesthood. We take pride in our history. There was a time when we made a public mockery of the most powerful military power in the world, the British Empire. We won victories and embarrassed them before the entire world. Our ancestors understood that the  object of war is to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy. The destruction of the enemy is the primary object of war and self-preservation the secondary, because only by destroying the enemy in large numbers can one effectively preserve oneself. What is more, our blood cousins, the Zulu Kingdom  completely