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01 January 2015

Life is unfair but get used to it

By Sicebise Msengana


Many of us will do just about anything to avoid  serious issues in this world. Its easier to pretend that everything is okay. Growing up we all knew that Prince Charming married the beautiful princess and they lived happily ever after...but in real life, there's no such thing. In fact, each day comes with a new tragedy. A newlywed couple is killed in a plane crash on their way to their honeymoon, a small kid is diagnosed with a life threatening disease dies in her mother's arms,  scores of innocent people are murdered each day, earthquakes, tornadoes and many natural disasters claim so many lives

17 December 2014

Seven ways to happiness

By Sicebise Msengana

Pic: Mine

Everyone wants to be happy, and there is no doubt that for most of us, being in a good mood is more pleasant than being in a bad one. But how many of us can say we have attained such a standard? Happiness and serenity are sought after, longed for, by men and women everywhere, but are rarely found. What makes people happy?

  1. Explore spirituality.  For some people, being spiritual or religious, means going to church every Sunday. Worshipping at a local mosque. For others, it means going to a quiet place to meditate and reflect on life. Whatever you call it, meditation and praying can help with slowing breathing and brain activity, reduced heart rate and blood pressure. The physiological benefits of prayer and meditating include anti-ageing, deep rest, and easier

13 November 2014

10 Qualities of good leaders

By Sicebise Msengana


The late Nelson Mandela, a lawyer and politician, was an outstanding leader. The way he led South Africa into democracy became one of the greatest marvels of the 20th Century. Which proves beyond doubt that good leaders take a lead. You may have heard the frequent comments, ''He is a born leader'' or ''Leaders are born.'' But how true are those statements? There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they're looked up to as a leaders. What is a good leader?

A servant. The most respected and most powerful leaders are those who serve the people in their care. Mother Teresa gave her life in serving the most loathed, unloved and outcasts of India's poor. In her

05 November 2014

Are you waiting for a miracle to be happy again?

By Sicebise Msengana


Sometimes you look at your life and wonder what went wrong. You look at your past and wish you can undo those mistakes and re-live life. Are you feeling miserable over what you have no control? Do you feel sad, empty, used, and broken? If yes, why don't you make necessary changes to your life? What is your plan to overcoming loneliness, boredom, feeling inadequate? Sleeping? Drugs? Alcohol? Facebook? Yes, these things are good distractions for temporary pleasure, but for how long? How long will this go on? One thing is for sure, happiness is a personal choice. It starts and ends with personal responsibility. Aristotle once said, " Happiness depends upon ourselves.''

Share your feelings. Feelings need to be shared. Don't bottle them up. Talk, talk, talk until you feel light. Talking gets heavy feelings out. When we suppress our emotions, they become like a volcano that is ready to explode. So share them with a trusted friend, family member, and a pastor.

13 October 2014

Life is like a fog, right?

By Sicebise Msengana

Pic: Mine

Some experiences and some events in life simply suck! Suffering is not fun at all. Broken dreams, failed relationships, health problems, job losses...things that make it hard for us to get up in the morning. Would you smile if you lost all your children and not be bothered? If you lost all of your property would you keep smiling? Is it easy to go through terrible pain and be positive? How can it be easy to lose someone you love to a chronic illness or get dumped by someone who meant the world to you and still be calm?

Life is like a fog, right? At times everything doesn't make sense. From one crisis to another, you slowly get the feeling that you're like a pin ball machine. Facing pain and suffering is not easy for even the greatest human beings. It was no laughing matter when Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison. Anyone can crack under pressure. With this in mind, we are mere mortal beings. And we go through pain one way or the other. We cannot imagine the inner turmoil felt by someone who lost a loved one, a co-worker, a best friend. Be it emotional, spiritual, physical pain--the question why bad

18 September 2014

Enough is enough

By Sicebise Msengana

I watch the killing that is going on around the world and ask myself why?
If love is such a beautiful thing but why is there so much bigotry, hate in the world? How can someone be so confused that they're willing to kill an innocent unborn baby and feel absolutely nothing? How can someone be so indifferent that they can kill another person over their beliefs? How can we have people filled with so much hate in their hearts that they can't treat another human being with dignity and respect?

There are no definite answers to these questions and the horrors that we witness each day. But we are responsible for the chaos and the wrongdoing in the world. No one is truly a "saint.'' The world is full of people hell bent on doing what suits their selfish desires. The problem is, rejecting God and refusing to follow the RIGHT PATH  we have made a mess of things. We all acted like ''kings'' with little regard for the ''peasants'' with our crowns; the result is misery. The suffering, casual disregard of human life, injustices that we witness around the world is our fault. The world was created good, but due to our recklessness we have competed with each other and turned everything upside down.