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Pic: Politicaljack.com |
I watch the killing that is going on around the world and ask myself why?
If love is such a beautiful thing but why is there so much bigotry, hate in the world? How can someone be so confused that they're willing to kill an innocent unborn baby and feel absolutely nothing? How can someone be so indifferent that they can kill another person over their beliefs? How can we have people filled with so much hate in their hearts that they can't treat another human being with dignity and respect?
There are no definite answers to these questions and the horrors that we witness each day. But we are responsible for the chaos and the wrongdoing in the world. No one is truly a "saint.'' The world is full of people hell bent on doing what suits their selfish desires. The problem is, rejecting God and refusing to follow the RIGHT PATH we have made a mess of things. We all acted like ''kings'' with little regard for the ''peasants'' with our crowns; the result is misery. The suffering, casual disregard of human life, injustices that we witness around the world is our fault. The world was created good, but due to our recklessness we have competed with each other and turned everything upside down.
Before 1914, theologians believed we were living in the ''heaven on earth'' period. Unfortunately, WW I erupted, followed by WWII. After the horrors of the Holocaust were revealed, we all swore ''never again.'' But sadly, ethnic cleansings, abortions which swallowed millions of babies, Apartheid, Khmer Rouge, Rwandan Massacres, mass rapes, 9/11 terrorists attacks, genocides continued to haunt the world up to this day.
Negative influences. The entertainment industry, media and cultural revolutions have goose-stepped us into hate, while encouraging violence, discrimination. Popular music degrades women into sexual objects for sexual fulfilment and men are seen as ''dogs'' who crave nothing but sex. Politicians appeal to our dark sides to secure votes. Bureaucrats have their hands covered up with blood of innocent people. Wealthy business executives can't tell the difference between what's wrong and right until caught. And I keep wondering if the trinkets will help them sleep well at night.
Bragging as if it mattered. We pride ourselves by achieving greatness through scientific and technologically developments. Our knowledge has made us evil, ruthless. Our cleverness has made us stubborn, insensitive, unkind and selfish. We think too much and feel so little. All these acts have made our conscience seared up to a point where our personal values are desensitized, polluting our minds, and corroding our culture. More than technology and knowledge we need humanity. More than cleverness we need compassion, love and kind acts. Without these virtues, life will be meaningless and all will be tragically lost. As Socrates once said, '' the greatest way to live with honor is to be what we pretend to be.''
Personal Responsibility. But I still believe in a world where we all take responsibility for our actions. Greedy businessmen, reckless celebrities, ordinary mortals and corrupt politicians who come short on decency and ethics are exposed, shamed and called into order. Even now my voice reaches millions- millions of despairing men, women, little children who have been victims of a cruel system that tortures, rapes and kills innocent people. To those souls that can hear me- don't despair. All of these atrocities that we see everyday will be nothing but of the past. We can't change the whole world at once but we can change the world around us. We should be moved to help everyone-if possible-Jew, Gentile. Black, White and Yellow. In this world there is enough room for everyone. Let us unite and fight the GOOD FIGHT. The power to create happiness, harmony, peace, to give youth a bright future and old people security. Fight to free the world- To do away with nationalism-away with injustices, with greed, hate, violence, intolerance. Nelson Mandela once said, ''Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.''
- Accept responsibility for your actions, stop blaming others and own up to your choices and their consequences.
- Confront the dangerous excuses; ''Everybody is doing it'' or ''I'm not hurting anybody.'' Bad choices and their consequences are no laughing matter. Your actions not only affect you but others...and the world around you...Enough is enough!
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