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12 February 2016

The Apology

By KhaYah (Aisha Williams)©

They beat me and I called you to save me ... but you couldn't.. so I
secretly resented you.
They took our babies and sold them, I begged you to save us.. but
you couldn't .. so I secretly blamed you..
They raped me, and I cried out for you to protect me... but you
couldn't.....So I stopped trusting you...
You were supposed to be my man.. my provider.. my protector but
when I needed you.. you couldn't be there... so I hated you...
How could I let you tell me what to do.
When massa could protect me more than you..

11 February 2016

Interesting Facts About Africa And It's People

By Sicebise Msengana

Africa is home to more than 3000 distinct ethnic groups and over 2000 languages. There are approximately 58 countries in Africa.

1. Much of Africa was colonised by European invaders, except Liberia and Ethiopia.

2. Africa is the world's second largest and second most populated continent, with about 1.1 billion people.

08 February 2016

The Darker Side of The Roman Catholic Church

By Sicebise Msengana

Very few people fail to learn of the gruesome history of the Roman Catholic church. Most people are shocked to learn about the historical facts of the brutality of the Vatican.

Today, no person welds so much power and wealth as the Pope. It
has been estimated that Vatican owns vast properties, real estates
and riches of all kinds worth billions of dollars.

07 February 2016

Black Revolution

By Malcom X
Pic: Wikipedia

Mr. Moderator, ladies and gentlemen, friends and enemies. Tonight I hope that we can have a little fireside chat with as few sparks as possible being tossed around. Especially because of the very explosive condition that the world is in today. Sometimes, when a person’s house is on fire and someone comes in yelling fire, instead of the person who is awakened by the yell being thankful, he makes

06 February 2016

Kwaanza: First Fruits of Harvest

By Sicebise Msengana
Pic: Wikipedia

Kwanzaa is a cultural holiday, celebrated from December 26 to January 1, created by the legendary professor of Africana
Studies , activist and author, Maulana Karenga. The sole purpose of this holiday was to help African-Americans to reconnect to their African roots. And served as a symbol of Pan-Africanism. It also reflects on the seven principles of
Kwanzaa, or Nguzo Saba (originally Nguzu Saba —the seven principles of African Heritage):

03 February 2016

16 Quotes About The Benefits of Friendship

By Sicebise Msengana
Photo credit:

Life without friends is devoid of any happiness, warmth and comfort. The benefits of having people to lean on during tough times are many. Friendships teaches you more about yourself, about love
and about life in general. Human beings are social creatures and it could be argued that life without any social interaction is not anormal, but an abnormal life.