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05 December 2020

Conscious Parenting part 2

Mothers who dress like teenagers and post half naked pictures will attract single men that treat them like trash and expose their daughters to toxic aspects of motherhood and multiple toxic, uncommitted boyfriends. Fathers who change sexual partners in front of their sons will expose them to irrelevancy of responsibility and commitment.  Their sons will see no point of being responsible and good men to the women who will become mothers of their children.

Conscious Parenting

You don't fail a child by not affording to buy expensive clothes and sending them to white private schools. You fail them by not providing a family structure which consists of a father and mother. As an example of what a child should learn love and support from.

Love and Materialism

Poverty makes many parents sell their daughters to the highest bidder. They encourage their daughters to choose a rich man over a good man with a future potential. Good intentions won't put food on the table, but a man who has plans to improve himself will one day feed your daughter. Physical and emotional abuse caused by a rich man can be a scar for a lifetime. Love is never about money and security, but it's about effort.

01 December 2020

White Weddings VS African Traditional Weddings

Sicebise Msengana
Selfhate is a mental disease. Because black people tend to forget that "white" weddings are traditional European weddings. You are simply undermining your own culture and practicing another people's culture. Alienated people have alien appetites. 

21 November 2020

White Jesus and Black Devil: Mental Enslavement of Africans

Sicebise Msengana
Jesus is white and whiteness is associated with godliness and divinity. But Satan is black and darkness is associated with evil and occultism. I have said before the Bible is one piece of propaganda used to enslave Africans psychologically, physically, socially and mentally. Christianity was used by its creators to promote white supremacy and black inferiority. We learn from the book of Genesis, Noah cursed his son, Ham' descendants who later became Africans. Europeans and Arabs used the doctrine of the "Curse of Ham" to justify chattel slavery and colonisation of the African continent. 

Because it was believed that black people were cursed. Again, in the book of Exodus, the God of Moses defeated the gods of Africa in Egypt. At that time ancient Egypt was the most powerful empire in the world, but fall to the gods of Caucasians of the Middle East. 

13 November 2020

Polygamy is Group Economics and Social Order

Sicebise Msengana
Polygamous men are the biggest philanthropists in society because they distribute or share their resources and wealth with multiple wives. Ensuring that women and their children are looking after. 

The average man neglects his bank account and wastes his money on noncommittal, monogamous relationships with many women until he finds a wife. After that he is locked into a marriage where he is forced to hoard his wealth for only one woman, not distribute it to as many women as possible.

Let's face reality: Not every woman will get a job. Not every woman will be empowered. Not every woman will be educated. Not every woman will be rich. But every woman will have a problem trying to get a husband under monogamy. Because of the ratio of men to women.   Therefore, monogamy is very wasteful and expensive!