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07 August 2020

Religious Imperialism on The African Continent

Edit: This post was inspired by a post I saw on a Facebook page called, "No White Saviours."

Religion goes deeper than most people recognize. It is psychological and a way of life (i.e.culture). When another people impose their religion on you, they are inculcating a foreign spirit/ideology with foreign appetites that will control you. Therefore, religion was a potent weapon in the hands of European (Christianity) and Arab (Islam) colonial invaders. They use those foreign enslaving religions as tools for mind control. Both these religions attack and demonize African culture, traditions, language and spirituality.

When we talk about religious imperialism in Africa, we must talk about Christianity AND Islam.
Over 631 million Christians in Africa w/ Zambia having the highest %. Of the African countries missionaries frequent, most have higher % of Christians than the predominately white counties the missionaries come from. But y’all still coming to spread the gospel 👀🤔
Christianity & Islam have both been used to erase and demonize traditional African religions since their arrival on this beautiful Continent.
Quite frankly as plans were being drawn to invade the African continent, we Africans were busy living our best lives, worshipping our Gods of rain, harvest, fertility, war, amongst others. As Africans, we are very communal. This is not to say the individual is under-looked, we recognize and appreciate the role of the individual towards society’s development because without the individual there is no ‘we’. The reverse is also true. African traditional religion was/is an important aspect to the development of our society because of the core values imbedded such as “Ubuntu” or humanity.
We bet y’all are wondering how the white man convinced us that our Gods and way of life were not worthy. You will be appalled & for our Christian & Muslim followers, it is so important that you remain critical of the way your religion has been used as a tool of oppression.
In school, we learned that missionaries, “came to soften the hearts of the African people”. With their Bible & their white Jesus they came to ‘soften our hard rock hearts’. As bishop Desmond TuTu puts it “When the missionaries came to Africa. They had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘let’s pray’. We closed our eyes when we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land’.”

Caption cont’d in comments. For the discussion today, we’d like to hear from Christian & Muslim folks (or those raised in these traditions) on what decolonising your faith has looked like? What other important knowledge can you share on this topic? If you are learning from this #DecoloniseYourMind challenge we ask that you donate what you can toward the libratory library and cafe we are opening in Uganda (Link in bio!) @ Kampala, Uganda


04 August 2020


Adolf Hitler was inspired by his Prussian forebears when he continued the GENOCIDE of AFRICANS in Namibia until 1945.

Most of us barely recognize this Prussian King, Wilhelm I, who lived between 1795-1888. A German royalty who pushed for the COLONISATION of Africa through his prime minister, Otto Von Bismarck. Between 1884-5 all European powers that had interests in Africa were called in Berlin, for the formal "Scramble for Africa."

Germany got Namibia and introduced a brutal efficient eugenics programme at great human cost. Namib Africans were enslaved, tortured, colonised, and starved to death by their thousands by RUTHLESS German colonizers.

31 July 2020

Africans Running Away from Problems in Their Countries doesn't Solve a Thing

By Sicebise Msengana
Today I saw a post on Facebook about Zimbabweans who are fleeing from their country in search of better health care in South Africa. Most people like to compare these dire situations migrants flocking to other countries to apartheid regime. While we did had a few South Africans who went to exile, but it wasn't the whole country. The majority remained in their country and fought for apartheid government with necklacing, petrol bombs, protests and civil disobedience. 

I'm sorry to say I didn't feel any emotions on this subject. I believe it is about time we hold African mis(Leaders) and their GULLIBLE followers ACCOUNTABLE. Most countries in Africa had their flag independence from the late 50's ( Example, Ghana) and ongoing. What followed afterwards was a tragic tale of corruption, neocolonialism, mismanagement of resources, civil wars, ethnic cleansing, tribalism, nepotism, embezzlement of public funds etc. 

Most of our brothers and sisters finally got their freedom and land back. However, they misused those gains. Here today, we have millions of African being refugees and asylum seekers in other people's countries. In spite of the fact that Africa is the most richest continent on the planet. 

Useless, corrupt, inhumane leaders in their countries did nothing for their people. Worse yet, we expect a young democracy such as South Africa to carry the burden of the entire continent in its shoulders. 

What have these dictators done for their own people other than blaming other countries for their failures? The government in Zimbabwe pledged $3.5 billion to help white colonizers. But Zimbabweans opt to run away from the same government they put into power. As an African, I don't feel sorry for these Africans who run away from their countries. Instead of challenging these useless dictators, protesting against inequality, and struggling for reform in their countries. They choose the coward's choice - fleeing from problems. Who is going to change the status quo in their nations if everyone is running away? Let's encourage Africans to be problem solvers than marathon runners. Africans must go back to their countries and rebuild them to the best of their ability. 

30 July 2020

Mzi ka Xhosa

By Sicebise Msengana

Ndisizukulwana eMaXhoseni, a proud descendant of the oldest people on the planet, the San - a direct ancestor of Xhosa (The Legendary founder of the Xhosa nation) and a history that spans more than 80, 000 years. UXhosa wazala uMalangana,
uMalangana wazala uNkosiyamntu,
uNkosiyamntu wazala uTshawe (Xhosa royal
clan is named after him)
uTshawe wazala uSikhomo,
uSikhomo wazala uTogu,
uTogu wazala uNgconde,
uNgconde wazala uTshiwo,
uTshiwo wazala uPhalo,
uPhalo wazala uGcaleka no Rharhabe.
UGcaleka wazala uKhawuta,
uKhawuta wazala uHintsa (The most famous
& respected King in Xhosa history - Ahhh Zanzolo!!),
uHintsa wazala uSarili,
uSarili wazala uSigcawu,
uSigcawu wazala uGwebinkumbi,
uGwebinkumbi wazala uZwelidumile, uZwelidumile wazala uXolilizwe, uXolilizwe wazala uZwelonke.

URharhabe wazala uMlawu,
uMlawu wazala uNgqika,
uNgqika wazala uSandile no uMaqoma (The Most courageous King in Xhosa land, - Ahhh Jongumsobomvu!!),
uSandile wazala uGonya,
uGonya wazala uFaku,
uFaku wazala uVelile,
uVelile wazala uBazindlovu,
uBazindlovu wazala uMxolisi, uMxolisi wazala uMaxhob’ayakhawuleza,
uMaxhob’ayakhawuleza wazala uJonguxolo (Usaphethe nonina wakhe uNoloyiso - Ahhh Noloyiso!!!).

Strong African Families

By Sicebise Msengana
I have said many times before, there can't be black people in the world without the black man, black woman and black child. 

The revolution of African people against foreign domination (i.e. European and Asian etc.) begins at home. There can't be strong African communities with African families. There can't be strong African businesses without African families. There can't be strong African marriages without African families. There can't be strong black power movements without African families. There can't be healthy, productive African men, African women and children without African families. There can't be an empowered Africa without African families. There can't be strong African culture, languages, traditions, values and orientations without African families. There can't be strong African unity without African families.

 Family is the important part of REVOLUTION. 

28 July 2020

The Destiny of African People is Controlled by Europeans through African women

By Sicebise Msengana
Have you ever wondered why black people find themselves in compromising positions globally? I think part of the problem emanates from the wombs of black women. Throughout history white men have sought to control the wombs of African women to ensure the survival of white supremacy and ENSLAVEMENT of African people.