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14 April 2016

Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex

By Sicebise Msengana

Imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too many of the social problems that burden people who are ensconced in poverty. These problems often are veiled by being conveniently grouped together under the category "crime" and by the automatic attribution of criminal behavior to people of color. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view when the human beings contending with them are relegated to cages. 

Prisons thus perform a feat of magic. Or rather the people who continually vote in new prison bonds and tacitly assent to a proliferating network of prisons and jails have been tricked into believing in the magic of imprisonment. But prisons do not disappear problems, they disappear human beings. And the practice of disappearing vast numbers of people from poor, immigrant, and racially marginalized communities has literally become big business. 

13 April 2016

Continental Government for Africa

By Sicebise Msengana

We have seen, in the example of the United States how the dynamic
elements within society understood the need for unity and fought
their bitter civil war to maintain the political union that was
threatened by the reactionary forces. We have also seen, in the
example of the Soviet Union, how the forging of continental unity
along with the retention of national sovereignty by the federal
states, has achieved a dynamism that has lifted a most backward
society into a most powerful unit within a remarkably short space
of time. From the examples before us, in Europe and the United
States of America, it is therefore patent that we in Africa have the
resources, present and potential, for creating the kind of society
that we are anxious to build. It is calculated that by the end of this

11 April 2016

The dangers of "Takeaway" History

By Sicebise Msengana

W. E. B. Du Bois said: "We cannot if we are sane, divide the world into whites, yellows, and Blacks, and then call Blacks white." Today, our children are fed with half-truths and lies. We are taught that first and greatest human civilizations were not from Africa. Some academics rather attribute the pyramids in Egypt to some ancient alien race.

09 April 2016

Africa is for Africans

By Sicebise Msengana

I want to bring something important to your attention. It's a shame that they [Europeans] draw old tired arguments to justify land grabbing. I'm a xhosa and it is generally accepted that Nguni tribes migrated from Western Africa to Southern Africa some thousands of years ago. By the time Europeans landed on our shores my Xhosa ancestors were well established in the area. But notice how they [ Eurocentric scholars] distorted historical facts and said both groups arrived at the same time. It didn't stop there.

They also committed several genocides against the Xh

07 April 2016


By Sicebise Msengana

"The Black skin is not a badge of shame, but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness"

"Behind the murder of millions of Negroes annually in Africa is the well organized system of exploitation by the alien intruders who desire to rob Africa of every bit of its wealth for the satisfaction of their race and the upkeep of their
bankrupt European countries."

05 April 2016

Say! Africa for the Africans

Sicebise Msengana

Say! Africa for the Africans,
Like America for the Americans:
This the rallying cry for a nation,
Be it in peace or revolution.
Blacks are men, no longer cringing fools;
They demand a place, not like weak tools;
But among the world of nations great
They demand a free self-governing state.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Great Africa wakes;
She is calling her sons, and none forsakes,
But to colors of the nation runs,
Even though assailed by enemy guns.
Cry it loud, and shout it Ion' hurrah!
Time has changed, so hail! New Africa!
We are now awakened, rights to see:
We shall fight for dearest liberty.
Mighty kingdoms have been truly reared
On the bones of blackmen, facts declared;
History tells this awful, pungent truth,
Africa awakes to her rights forsooth.
Europe cries to Europeans, ho!
Asiatics claim Asia, so
Australia for Australians,
And Africa for the Africans.
Blackmen's hands have joined now together,
They will fight and brave all death's weather,
Motherland to save, and make her free,
Spreading joy for all to live and see.
None shall turn us back, in freedom's name,
We go marching like to men of fame
Who have given laws and codes to kings,
Sending evil flying on crippled wings.
Blackmen shall in groups reassemble,
Rich and poor and the great and humble:
Justice shall be their rallying cry,
When millions of soldiers pass us by.
Look for that day, coming, surely soon,
When the sons of Ham will show no coon
Could the mighty deeds of valor do
Which shall bring giants for peace to sue
Hurrah! Hurrah! Better times are near;
Let us front the conflict and prepare;
Greet the world as soldiers, bravely true:
"Sunder not," Africa shouts to you.

Say! Africa for the Africans
By Marcus garvey