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Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

12 August 2020


By Sicebise Msengana

Who convinced us that polygamy is problematic than monogamy?

POLYGYNY is less dramatic, less divorce rate, little to no single mothers in such communities, eliminates competition between women, division of labor to reduce stress, no children born out of wedlock, far less cheating on the part of the man. Most importantly, it's not about a man having many wives, but every woman having a husband and therefore, reduces the excess number of single women who will otherwise never find a husband.

22 July 2020

Positive Polygyny

By Sicebise Msengana

 AREAL MAN oozes CONFIDENCE & WALKS IN HIS TRUE NATURE. Unbothered by what others think. He doesn't care about what you think of him. A true alpha male understands female biology and psychology. Monogamy is the leading cause of GENDER BASED violence. When a man invests his money, love & resources in a relationship and a woman doesn't reciprocate; a man becomes violent, abusive and aggressive. But a POLYGAMOUS man's love, wealth & resources don't revolve around obsessing over one woman. Because a POLYGAMOUS man is confident of himself, and a nonconformist to society's expectations. #polygamy #polygyny