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26 May 2014

Love? What is love?

By Sicebise Msengana


There's a  lot of talk about love these days. We toss the word in different ways. But what is love. really? Many hearts have been set adrift on the river of love. Other people may love you because of what you do for them or because you're attractive to them. But what is love?

True love. If we want love in our hearts, we must be willing to give  of ourselves. Love is proven, not by the words we say, but also by our actions. Love is a solid friendship without unrealistic expectations. It is a commitment to sharing and forgiving. It is an way to mutual understanding. It's loyalty through thick and thin. It usually settles for less than perfection and makes a lot of allowances for human mistakes (weaknesses).

Actions do matter. If love is such a beautiful thing, why is there so little love and so much hate in the world? You can't keep hurting the people close to you or someone over and over again and expect them to love and respect you. Period.  Let your actions prove it day in and day out.

Fight for love. It can feel as if the whole world has an opinion about your relationship, so when storms come as expected, learn to quiet the noise around you and listen to your ''INNER'' voice.

22 May 2014

How to remain humble despite your success

By SicebiseMsengana


Keep your ego in check. Although you may have experienced success, do all you can do to remain grounded. Surround yourself with people who force you to be humble, don't isolate yourself from people. Reflect on the achievements of others to remain yourself that they've achieved a far wide and further path than you.

Don't sweat small stuff. Tackle some big challenges and endure setbacks when they happen. Setbacks always remind one that things are not always easy and success isn't just around the corner. The more you "untrain" your mind to expect rewards for success, the more you can expect your mind to persist and endure, in the face of failure and challenge.

Be humble. Admit that you're the best at everything. No matter how talented you're there's almost somebody who can do something better than you. Look those who are better and consider the potential for improvement.

Pride? Our pride will come just before our fall. Our fall will be the effect of our  pride. Our pride will be the cause of our fall.

Forget the ego game. Don't let success go to your head. Be humble. Humility is a sure sign of greatness and strength, not weakness. Don't brag loudly about your achievements. If you that great, people will notice you and praise you for that.

Your thoughts on humility?