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For thousands of years, gods, goddesses and supernatural entities have dictate the lives of many people throughout history. Mankind lacked the knowledge about the mechanics of the universe, and as a result we invented supernatural entities like God to explain why things happen; why do bad things happen, why certain bacteria caused illnesses etc. When religion owned all the markets for God, they had absolute control over the lives of the masses. Freedom and reason was stifled, many atrocious acts were committed in the name of these so-called gods and goddesses or spirits. It took brave, smart scientists like Galileo, Kepler and Newton that challenge the Church.
Sadly, the Church persecuted many intellectuals; many were imprisoned, burned at the stake, tortured and constantly harassed by Church authorities.
It was until Renaissance, when the ideals of democracy and science realised. The African Moors living in Spain started the Enlightenment centuries before. People began to search and ask for questions for themselves; also thought objectively, in the face of the findings. Science took over since then and through scientific research people were able to filter the truth from lies.
Humanity has been able to fend for itself and we have won some notable victories -- no thanks to our cosmic landlord. And lost some devastating battles.
Over time, God has been a lonely, angry old man who was taken out of society. The privileges that he used to enjoy as the almighty creator of heaven and earth was reduced to little or nothing. One day...God was pronounced dead in his throne...
Who killed God? Humanity asked. We killed God. The word is not what it used to be thousands of years ago. To an ignorant goat-herder, God was an eternal creator who constantly wanted to be appeased through sacrifices -- from humans and animals alike. To a person living in an apartment in Manhattan, God is a representation of the universe -- life, water, soil and plants.
Predictions for the future:
In the years to come there will be a big evolution of religion. In the next 50-100 years, it won't be the religion we know like today. Take a look at Christianity, it is not what it used to be. Some of the teachings taught today would make the epistles and martyrs turn in their graves. For example, prosperity gospel that is used to cheat people of their hard earned money by promises of "divine blessings," faith healing and many other outlandish claims. Years ago, I asked a person of faith, why doesn't God perform miracles as He used to do in ancient times. The answer was simple: "Miracles have failed to convince people of God's love and grace. Even if God performed miracles through his prophets, the emphasis today is put on people using faith to find and please God.
A look at Islam, in its infancy. The religion was built on bloody conquests. The Jihad or holy wars were fought in the name of Allah were means to spread the Muslim faith across the world. But today one may find that there is a slight deviation from the original teachings of the Quran. Islam is becoming more tolerant and accepting particularly among the Western countries. Much of the Quran is interpreted metaphorically by many Islamic scholars. The same holds for other world religions. In the next 100 years, humanity for the first time may witness a form of religion that is secular in nature. We might see a form of world religion that incorporates all world religions in one religions system. A religious system that is tolerant to the homosexual community, the doctrine of Hell is metaphor of a real place. Scepticism over blind obedience.
Reason and logic over the supernatural and miracles. Sick people over depraved sinners. Today, scientists are trying to solve the problem of consciousness, if the findings reveal that the soul is not immortal. If the conclusion upsets the religious community. Instead, of people going to suffer in hell for eternity. Hell could be a place that purifies sinners who were unable to attain sanctity in this lifetime. As science advances people won't need God to provide explanations for the difficult questions. Scientific advancements will fill most of the gaps. The fundamental doctrines of this secular religion is more of a "lifestyle religion." One can believe in God, or not, God won't hold you accountable for your lifestyle choices. A custom made God that doesn't require us to any confession of faith, it does not matter what you believe in as long as you go to church, tithe, and do charitable things
Even if a world religion comes in various sects, it will be based on scientific and secular understandings.
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