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06 December 2020

Modern Russian History Revisited

Sicebise Msengana

The history of Russia, especially communist Russia also known as Soviet Union (USSR), as told by its Western enemies is suspicious. For example, western propaganda used shaming tactics such as frequently portraying Russians as the bad guys and spies in movies produced in the 50s and 80s. The acclaimed “Animal farm” is one of the best examples. It is public knowledge that the CIA bought rights of George Orwell's book from his widow, Sonia. 

African Origins of Ancient Egypt

Sicebise Msengana

"Ancient Egypt was a Negro Civilization. The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt." -Cheikh Anta Diop 

05 December 2020

Conscious Parenting part 2

Mothers who dress like teenagers and post half naked pictures will attract single men that treat them like trash and expose their daughters to toxic aspects of motherhood and multiple toxic, uncommitted boyfriends. Fathers who change sexual partners in front of their sons will expose them to irrelevancy of responsibility and commitment.  Their sons will see no point of being responsible and good men to the women who will become mothers of their children.

Conscious Parenting

You don't fail a child by not affording to buy expensive clothes and sending them to white private schools. You fail them by not providing a family structure which consists of a father and mother. As an example of what a child should learn love and support from.

Love and Materialism

Poverty makes many parents sell their daughters to the highest bidder. They encourage their daughters to choose a rich man over a good man with a future potential. Good intentions won't put food on the table, but a man who has plans to improve himself will one day feed your daughter. Physical and emotional abuse caused by a rich man can be a scar for a lifetime. Love is never about money and security, but it's about effort.

01 December 2020

White Weddings VS African Traditional Weddings

Sicebise Msengana
Selfhate is a mental disease. Because black people tend to forget that "white" weddings are traditional European weddings. You are simply undermining your own culture and practicing another people's culture. Alienated people have alien appetites.