03 October 2022

ANC led Democrazy is a Threat to The Xhosa Kingdom

 By Sicebise Msengana

The day Xhosa men say, "We know how to blow up this rotten place called South Africa" and seize power and go about building a just society is the day the people of the Eastern Cape will be dignified and empowered. Our agenda as Xhosa Nationalists is the defeat of the ANC, industrializing the province, bringing order to the Xhosa Kingdom and transforming the Xhosa kingdom from a semi-feudal, pre-industrial society to the one of largest economies in the country, with universal free healthcare, universal free education, modern infrastructure, 100% literacy, and laws against racism.

In 1994, the ANC government was faced with task of industrialising, electrifying, modernising and educating a semi-peasant nation in South Africa due to centuries of colonialism and apartheid. And democrazy failed us dismally. 

Therefore, the living conditions in this province have convinced me that authoritarianism and Xhosa nationalism are the solutions: mainly for corruption, nepotism, illegal immigration, crime, poverty, unemployment, inadequate health care, lack of infrastructure, misLeadership and subpar education system in the Eastern Cape. 

We are also aware of the conspiracy of white supremacy and the ANC in keeping the EC impoverished economically and politically sidelined. As means to thwart the uprisings and militancy inherent in the Xhosa kingdom. White supremacy was horrified by the anti-colonial colonial and apartheid resistance led by Xhosa men since the 1700s to the 1990s. That's why the Eastern Cape had to be divided into two bantustans: Transkei and Ciskei. They further promoted divisive multiple kingdoms. When abantu base Mpuma Kapa are one people under the Xhosa nation. How can one nation have 12 kings and yet the most dominant one is the Xhosa kingdom? Colonizers wanted to kill Xhosa nationalism/nationhood at all costs!

The ANC mafia in the Eastern Cape is accountable to none. Thus, they crippled the economy, looted public funds and stifled opportunities since 1994 with no shame. But they're going to tell you and me that the ANC brought us freedom and development. 

Inoba I-ANC yabatyela umthi abantu bethu base Mpuma Kapa. The Eastern Cape is among the three underdeveloped provinces, including the Northern Cape and Limpopo. Yet, the population of the EC keeps these thieving ANC cadres in power. White supremacy/ANC stripped our people of their dignity and embarrassed them. EC was betrayed in this government after so many countless sacrifices in the colonial and apartheid eras. But EC is still loyal to the ANC led democrazy. 

The ANC government has been power for 28 years and they looted and filled their coffers. While millions of lives in the Eastern Cape languish in poverty. Now they promise that they will change things in 2024. Now they bring up you. They bring up you because they want your votes. 

You put the ANC first and they put you last. Your votes put the ANC in power and still they can't keep their promises. I-Eastern Cape ayifuni ukhula!

You're the one who has that power. You can keep the ANC in power and continue to be treated like orphans in this country or overthrow them. You the one who made Nelson Mandela, Govan Mbeki, Chris Thembisile Hani, Winnie Mandela, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe and many other liberation icons from the Eastern Cape. You're the key factor in South Africa. You're the determining factor in South Africa.

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