13 October 2022

3 Kinds Of Unconscious Black People

By Sicebise Msengana 

As a scholar and nationalist, I have identified unconscious 3 kinds of black people. 

1. The lost sheep 🐑- the stupid, ignorant, sleeping and unintelligent.

These ones are thoroughly brainwashed and there's no hope. They're the unemployed, social grants recipients, voters and poor masses. Religion keeps them going and it is their crouch they use during times of uncertainty and economic droughts. They believe everything they're told by their pastors, media, government and politicians. They believe in democrazy so much that elections and putting "x" in ballot papers is a nirvana to them. They are EFFers, cANCers and Demoncratic Alliance. 

2. The willingful ignorant- White asslickers, sellouts and clever blacks. This group is sees what's going on, but since they're white lovers they will defend and fight for their white daddy. Like the lost sheep 🐑 they have been since birth of the superiority of white people and black inferiority. They believe that white people are destined to rule over black people and that black people were born to serve white people. They blame black people for their problems and absolve white people at every turn. Most of them are usually middle class, college educated fools with fake British accents who live in white suburbs. This group is very dangerous and reactionary. I believe such dissenters must be crushed ruthlessly. That's why I hate these black people because they will betray the revolution of black people to serve the interests of their white masters and get a pat on the head like an obedient puppy.

3. Woke - Pan-Africanists, Alkebulan, New Agers, Patriots. This group has identified the root causes of the black suffering and poverty. We should clap for them! But I sympathize with this group. I have great sympathy for the Woke group because they march straight toward their objectives through marches, protests, wishful thinking, half-baked history, democratic route and bureaucracy. Most of them still use white tools to fight for black people. 

Black people were enslaved, colonized and stripped off their dignity over a period of 500 years. So it's impossible to reverse that psychology and physical chains through the passive and democratic tools. Hence, I say democracy and peaceful resistance is a biggest obstacle of black liberation. 

The fourth group which I didn't include above are those who don't believe in democrazy and everything it entails. I salute and respect these black people who understand that dictatorship of the People is the key to national liberation and glory. 

The black nation needs dictatorship or authoritarianism to actualize radical change through force and civil disobedience. Our oppressors and imperialists should panic with great fear and ask for peace when black men say, "We know how to blow up this rotten place!"

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