31 August 2022

Western Democracy or Dictatorship of the People?

 By Sicebise Msengana 

The USA is a dictatorship of the oligarchs(billionaires), surveillance state, military complex industry, corporations, special interests and lobby groups. Europe is a dictatorship of monarchies, aristocracy, dynasties, colonialism and old world order. But no one labels these white majority countries as totalitarian societies.

When I tell black people that we should create an authoritarian society because we are already in a dictatorship of whites, Arabs and Asians at the moment.

They lose their minds and say dictatorship is extreme. Every race is extreme save for black people, right? Ain't I'm right when I say democracy is an illusive butterfly that deceives enslaved African masses in Africa and the diaspora into believing that they are free when they're ruled by other nations by an iron fist??

Worse yet, black people complain every day about how the system is unfair to them and that Africa is exploited.

I ask them if we are indeed living in a democrazy world, then where are black nations, black schools, black businesses, black history, black scientists, and powerful black presidents? Why do elected officials in Africa do the bidding for America and Europe? Isn't that a dictatorship of whites? China and Arab states loot minerals from Africa through slavish loans, isn't that a dictatorship? The USA, EU, Arab states and Chinese government have military bases in Africa and yet, Africa has none military bases in these territories. Doesn't that look like dictatorship?

In South Africa alone whites own 80% of land and economy, while native South Africans languish in poverty. Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Shell and Total Energies are sucking the blood of oil rich countries like Nigeria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. Multinationals like Apple, Huawei, NASA, Anglo American, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Xstrata and Barrick are looting minerals from the DRC, Botswana, Uganda, South Africa, Ghana.

Nevertheless, black lives in the supremacies of Europe, Arabian peninsula and Asia are rendered as commodities and slave stock. As black people we already live in a dictatorship of superpowers and they yield considerable amount of power and influence upon our countries, leaders, economies, politics, education, jobs, businesses, banks, mines and lands. Democrazy has unleashed hell in Africa and brought nothing, but neocolonialism and liberalism.

But the picture doesn't have to be gloomy because the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PEOPLE has brought many victories. For example, history was rewritten to portray Americans and British as the Victors of World War II.

"Marx and Engels taught that it was impossible to get rid of the power of capital and to convert capitalist property into public property by peaceful means, and that the working class could achieve this only by revolutionary violence against the bourgeoisie, by a proletarian revolution, by establishing its own political rule—the dictatorship of the proletariat — which must crush the resistance of the exploiters and create a new, classless, Communist society."

- J. V. Stalin

Joseph Stalin is one of the greatest revolutionaries and leaders in the 20th century. Should I explain?

Stalin was an ardent Bolshevik and a communist. Russia needed fast modernization to survive World War Two and the Western powers from turning it into another Social Democracy. He industrialised, electrified, and modernised an illiterate semi-feudal absolute monarchy most backwards peasant nation in Europe in less than 20 years.

But his greatest victory was the defeat of the Nazis. World War II costed USSR more than 20 million Russian people. The US and British refused to create a second front because they were hoping that Germans and Russians would destroy themselves, then becoming militarily and economic weak that neither could deal with the West. But they only got involved when it became obvious that the Soviets were winning. The West rewrote history to make themselves as the victors. 

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