23 November 2022

Why is a Dangerous Assassin given Parole after Killing Chris Thembisile Hani?

By Sicebise Msengana 

They assassinated Chris Hani and waited for fake ass Nelson Rothschild Mandela to visit his British brothers in the UK 🇬🇧 to make it look like it wasn't an organized hit. In 2022, they want to release Chris Thembisile Hani's killer while Ramapoes is out there giggling, dining and taking photoshoots with his white masters. 

Clever blacks and white cave-dwellers say the constitution allows it. Yet, Jews still hunt down Nazis who were involved in the Holocaust that happened more than 80 years ago. Why release a murderous assassin on parole when other cultures don't forgive? Why does the blood and suffering of black people has no value in the eyes of society? 350 years of colonial apartheid and 28 years of democrazy (apartheid 2.0), but this sellout organization called the ANC continues to urinate on the graves of our fallen heroes that were dedicated to the liberation of Africans in South Africa. 

This very same fake ass organisation that gave us a cloned Nelson Mandela, forgave unrepentant white supremacists; sold the land for shares in white companies, marrying white women, living in white suburbs; and agreed to pay apartheid debt worth hundreds of billions: monies that were used to sustain white supremacy and buy weapons to oppress and murder millions of our black people - Sharpeville massacre, MK soldiers, Langa killings, bantustans, Inkhatha genocides, Chris Hani, Steve Biko, Solomon Mahlangu and funded proxy wars in Anglo, Mozambique and Namibia. 

This so-called liberation organization gave us Ramapoes who was groomed by white people as a spy, white asslicker and unleashed on black people. The very same sellout misLeader who killed black people in Marikana in 2012. It seems the ANC is an organization that is anti-black people and pro-white people. 

And black people who constantly vote for this organization of thieves and gluttonous traitors are constantly voting for black oppression and white domination.

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