05 August 2022

Anonymous is The CIA, NSA AND FBI

 By Sicebise Msengana 

According to Wikipedia, "Anonymous is a decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective and movement primarily known for its various cyberattacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations and the Church of Scientology."

But in recent years, the activist and hacking movement has taken initiatives that are pro-western imperialism and pro-capitalism. It took the Ukrainian and Russian war to highlight that we are been deceived by these intelligence agencies masquerading as the Anonymous. Given that the original Anonymous collective was an imbodiment of true activism, but after the 2011 arrests and raids that begin in Florida and spread worldwide; the group was infiltrated by FBI informants. At least than 30 people were arrested in countries including Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. 

The Guardian writes: "Hector Xavier Monsegur, the charismatic former Anonymous hacker who engaged in defiant political acts around the world from his Lower East Side apartment before becoming an FBI informant, has spoken out in his own defence, insisting that he was not responsible for the arrests of several of his “hacktivist” peers." Isn't that a bit strange for a member to deflect to intelligence agencies? 

Anonymous is the CIA, FBI and NSA. My question is why don't they hack the US and EU governments who terrorise other countries? I don't agree with war in Ukraine and killing of innocent people, but some sinister is lurking beneath. Why target Russia if they claim to fight injustices and leave out dangerous elements such as neo-Nazis and NATO terrorists who have been agitating the situation since 2014?

Let's recap the events in the Crimea: 

1. Wealth of 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees will go to European countries.

2. Ukraine vacated by 1.5 million Ukrainians will become a jewish settlement for half a million jewish citizens of Ukraine.

3. US has frozen $634 billion Russian central bank reserves. 

4. European countries and US have sold arms, weapons and ammunition to Ukraine which Ukraine will have to pay back after the war is finished.

5. Wealth and assets of Russian businessman has been frozen across Europe and US.

5. European and US companies will get large value orders for reconstruction of war torn Ukraine. 

So Europe and US will laugh all the way to the bank because they made ground for instigating war with Russia and will also praise Zelensky because the Ukrainian comedian has enforced the conspiracy of US and Europe. History tells us that US and European bankers and war companies have always made billions of dollars through war. Their war machinery is a great earning source for enhancing their profits. Yet, Anonymous is silent on these issues. Ain't SJWS supposed to be impartial and fair?

The US and EU governments have invaded, killed and displaced at least 3 million people in the past two decades, where was the Anonymous to condemn these atrocities and launch cyberattacks against the imperialists? Or these outrages are reserved for European nations? 

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