02 August 2022

Dictatorship is Superior to DemoCrazy

 By Sicebise Msengana 

I grew up in a democrazy, but between democrazy and dictatorship, I would choose dictatorship. In many aspects, dictatorships are superior to DemoCrazy (i.e. Russia, China, Middle East).

Benefits of dictatorship are not limited to the following: 

• Enforces personal discipline and order.

• Better control the variables of human development.

• Resistant to income Redistribution Pressures.

• Dictatorship is a more economic institution: elections are a luxury reserved for developed countries.

• Dictatorships regimes can be a path for countries move on from civil wars and focus on development. When a country faces any kind of emergency, such as a war or a health epidemic, a dictatorship government can prove to be the most efficient one. 

• Dictatorships have a flexibility in economic policy that breeds growth. A dictatorial government does what it has to in order to lead to development, it does not worry about keeping its people happy, and it is usually the people who are driven to achieve this desired success. Thus, there is more development because there are no obstacles to slow down the process. Dictatorships encourages development though efficient and straighfoward decision making. 

• Dictatorship helps achieve social stability. Another reason for a better law and order situation in these states is that various laws are passed immediately, without any discussion or waiting for public opinion on them. This leads to better control over crimes as well.

• The longer lasting and biggest economic miracles have ocurred under dictatorships

• Dictatorship outperforms democracy in growth and economic develpment

• A dictatorship breeds order and it’s a needed step for both development and liberal democracy. 

• Dictators have incentives to promote development and diminish social differences. 

 Elections, human civil and human rights are BS ideas when we observe that western democracies have caused more wars, hunger, poverty, economic recessions and environmental crises than all dictatorships combined in the 21st century. 

For example, the US government has killed more people and denied women the right to education in Afghanistan than the Taliban. Proxy wars in Africa, Middle East, Ukraine, Asia and Latin America are funded by the west. World peace is threatened by NATO, EU and US democrazy. More than 3 billion people are basically feudal slaves of the banking system such as IMF, World Bank, rating agencies that have manipulated the world economy and issued enslaving loans with draconian demands. Democrazy politicians are purveyors of greed, corruption, nepotism, illegal immigration, drug trafficking, human trafficking, brothel operations and gun smuggling.

Climate change or global warming is the result of democrazy capitalism. Overconsumption of natural resources and pillage of ecosystems by so-called western civilization. The space race in America by NASA, Elon Musk's Spacex, luxurious iPhones by Apple, automotive industry, agribusiness, petroleum products and other industries are made possible by natural resources looted in Africa. 

But you will find people dumb enough to say that democracy is the best thing to happen in the world.

Nonetheless, US and EU governments are not intended to be democracies. For example, American presidents are related to each other and have royal British blood. Hence, they are carefully s(elected). But for a moment, lets discuss the criteria often given by those that have a definition of “dictatorship ” are:

-All facets of society are controlled directly by the dictator and the government through force; the dictator dominates all areas of life without exception.

-A highly militaristic society which glorifies the military and the police, as well as other armed forces of the dictator and the ruling government.

-There is no separation of powers; judiciaries, legislative and executive are all controlled by the dictator or the ruling party.

-The dictator or the party controls the thinking of the masses.

-There is no freedom of speech or religion, no freedom of the arts and no freedom of the press except that which glorifies the dictator.

-Political repression is practiced on those that dissent from the dictator or ruling party.

-Torture of incarcerated persons and political prisoners.

-Forced or compulsory military conscription.

-Subordination of the individual in favor of the dictator and the ruling government.

What is similar about this above criteria? All of them also apply to liberal democracies. One only has to replace “dictator” with “capital” and “the government” with “capitalism.” Liberal democracies are dictatorships of the (ruling capitalist classes) bourgeoisie, and they are not called dictatorships. Since most loose definitions of totalitarianism come from the idea of the individual being subordinated to the collective. Aren't individuals in capitalist governments subordinate to the wishes and whims of big businesses, landowners, lobbyists, special groups and bosses? Individuals within capitalism are subordinate to money and the means by which it is made, in this case, by work. What a person can do within those societies depends on his or her ability to pay money and to work. Do scholars and social justice warriors call capitalist countries totalitarian? No. They call those countries "democracies" or "Land of the Free."

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