31 December 2016

How to Start a Religion in 12 Easy Ways

By Sicebise Msengana

Are you constantly stressed out and broke as an African? Do you want to enjoy life and take full advantage of opportunities? Do you wish to have an intimate relationship with your loved ones or spouse or partner?
In fact, it’s simple, and any African can do it. I have an idea of starting a religio-political cult. You can follow along at home.


My suggestion is that we can name it “Black Power Ministries” or something like “Black Revolutionary Church.” Write a long list of possible names and make a shortlist of the interesting ones. The name needs to describe the mission and objectives of the cult.


The main purpose of starting this cult is to build Africans economically, socially, culturally and politically. In order for them to build power and establish REVOLUTIONARY POLITICAL POWER.


While this is a family affair, non-Africans are invited as long as they don’t cause disruptions such as infiltrations, place themselves as the teachers and guides or dictate the methods of “worship” and “prayer.”

Non-Africans, especially Europeans (whites) have a paternalistic relationship with Africans. So this is what we want to avoid when we ask non-Africans to take a back seat. Peter Gelderloos made excellent observations “White pacifists (and even bourgeois black pacifists) are afraid of the total abolition of the white supremacist, capitalist system. They preach nonviolence to the people at the bottom of the racial and economic hierarchy precisely because nonviolence is ineffective, and any revolution launched ‘by those people,’ provided it remains nonviolent, will be unable to fully unseat white people and rich people from their privileged positions.”


Strictly African gods and goddesses: Horus, Shango, Legba, Isis, Ezili etc. We can’t pray to the same God as our European/Asian oppressors. That’s what prompt Malcolm X to say: “So when you call for the same God he calls for, when he’s putting a rope around your neck, you call for God and he calls for God. And you wonder why the one you call on never answers you.” But The Supreme Being is the Great Deity above all. 


Every religious sect has its own teachers. Malcolm X, Dr. King, Nelson Mandela, Steve Biko, Kwame Ture, Patrice Lumumba, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Asa G. Hilliard III, Dr. John H. Clarke, Dr. Frances C. Welsing, Dr. Marimba Ani, Oliver Tambo, Chris Hani, Kwame Nkrumah, Amilcar Cabral, Thomas Sankara and many other great prophets

But the Supreme Master of the Universe has recently chosen me as its latest prophet. Not only am I The Supreme Master’s latest prophet, but The Supreme Master has shared some “End of the world” news with me.


Dr. John H. Clarke—Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust

Dr. Chancellor Williams—The destruction of Black Civilisation

Ben Yosef Jochannan—Cultural Genocide in the Black and African Studies Curriculum
John G Jackson—Introduction to African Civilisation

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing—The Isis Papers

Dr. Amos Wilson—Blueprint for Black Power: A Moral, Political and Economic Imperative for the Twenty-First Century, The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child

Dr. George G. M. James—Stolen Legacy.

Marimba Ani—The Ideology of European Dominance, The Western Journal of Black Studies . Vol. 3, No. 4, Let The Circle Be Unbroken: The Implications of African Spirituality in the Diaspora, and among other sacred books.

“Black Love is a Revolutionary Act,” by Umoja

“We are Heirs of the World’s Revolutions,” by Thomas Sankara

“The ballot or the bullet,” speech by Malcolm X

“Weapon of Theory,” Amilcar Cabral

“Walter Rodney Speaks: The Making of an African Intellectual,” by Walter Rodney

“Mentacide,” by Mwalimu Baruti

“I Write What I Write,” by Steve Biko

“Black skin, White Masks,” by Frantz Fanon

“Message to the Grass Roots,” by Malcolm X

“Precolonial Black Africa,” by Cheikh Anta Diop

“The Interracial Con Game,” by Umoja & Trojan Pam

“Dirty Little Secrets,” by Claud Anderson
“Blacked Out Through Whitewash,” by Dr. Suzar

“Power and Racism,” by Stokely Carmichael (aka Kwame Ture)

Every morning, we send our prayers and burn sacred incense to our all-knowing and all-powerful deities. A brother said that “If we rely on where our people are, we will remain where we are. You must speak our language on the streets and form a Brotherhood to rally for our cause.”

We have to reach our people and get the message out. The Supreme Being revealed to me that all humans are inherently evil and selfish and thus, explains why Africans are targeted by other racial groups. The enemies of the African people are constantly looking for ways to oppress, enslave and destroy our people. So Organise or Perish.
And the only way to cleanse and liberate ourselves of our self-hatred is to accept the Cleansing Grace of The Supreme Being.

Oppressed people are often the most easy to deceive. Because they’re desperately looking for answers to their problems. Whether living in Africa or in the Diasporia, how me poor Africans conned out of their land, with no dignity and no prospects of improving their lives and I’ll you show nationalists, fundamentalists, and worse...sell-outs.

If you are unhappy with your life or sexually frustrated or depressed, allow me to teach you how to live your best life now. The Cleansing Grace of the Supreme Being is all you need.
Flyers are ready to be distributed. Grab a flyer and see our free weekly conscious classes ( MONDAY -FRIDAY: 15H00-18H00). Then on weekends, we have our special classes (SATURDAY -SUNDAY: 13HOO-20H00).
I believe The Supreme Being had called me to evangelize the world and win as many souls as possible for Him.

The Supreme Being knew in His hindsight that some may not “get it,” such as the Europeans and Asians. As a result, they’re destined for everlasting destruction. This may explain why they are so racist and biased towards Africans.
This also explains the anti-African sentiments that are prominent across the globe. Maybe we Africans are hated because there is something special about us or we are the ones who “get it.” I don’t know.

Therefore, everyone who does not “get it” be stopped, by whatever means necessary. The ultimate object is preservation of oneself and destroying the enemy. Because if the enemy is not destroyed, you will be destroyed.
There is no hope nor repentance for those who don’t “get it.” They’re doomed.

Colonial pyramid schemes that’s been going on the past 500 years. Here you’ve got dozens of European and Asian “gurus” promising that they can teach Africans how to make a fortune and solve their problems as well.
If foreign “aid” really worked Africa would be the richest and most powerful continent on the planet.

Pause for a few minutes: Africans have no skills, no experience, no ambitions to see themselves free and in control of their destiny?

Of course, you can support the divine work of the Supreme Being. Just give me $2000. You are welcome to make a larger tithe, even $100 million is acceptable. Preferably in PayPal or bank transfer. I need money to travel and preach these Good News to the furthest corners of the world.

I plan to preach thousands sermons from an ancient book I believe is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of The Supreme Being. Millions  of people will be converted through my preaching.

Congratulations! We have managed to get some following. And this is the best part. I get to make the rules, because I am the Anointed Prophet of The Supreme Being.
The Supreme Being told me last night, that I should first get a wife, mansion besides the sea, sports car and yacht. Let's be honest, wealth is great.

It's nice to live in expensive homes with expensive cars parked outside, stay in the best 4-star hotels, fly in private jets, and have six months of vacation in exotic destinations.
The opportunities are endless. You can have anything you want. Just ask and it will be done for you. Best education, food, clothes, security, medical care, dream holidays in idyllic islands etc.

No more money problems, race wars, colonial terrorism, police brutality and most problems of Africans are eliminated...

 However, The Supreme Being also warned me about the dangers of material wealth and a luxurious lifestyle which has been a trap for many people who were called. Wealthy people struggle with try to get rich and then struggle this time worrying about how to secure the wealth they spent the first half of their lives working hard to gain.

This may be hilarious for some. It may be outrageous for some. But it is not a bad idea to start something that is going to work towards solving African problems. Whether it is cultish or nationalistic or culturalistic or whatsoever. Our people need a game plan to resolve internal contradictions, nation-building institutions, organizations and accurate social theories that are solution-orientated.

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