07 January 2017

A 4 Step Guide to Africa: Africans according to Whites and Asians

By Sicebise Msengana

#1 RACIAL THEORY: “We hate Africans because they are an inferior race."

“Whether we like it or not, Africans are lazy, stupid and inherently violent animals destined for perpetual slavery... .”—said white supremacists and Asian racists.


Bear in mind that white bigotry, scientific racism and Christianity aided the Transatlantic slave trade, to a great extent. Dr. Bobby Wright once said “Because of their lack of ethical or moral development there’s no conflict between Whites’ religion and racial oppression.”

Montesquieu (1689-1755) in arguing for Negro inferiority said: “it is natural to look upon [white] color as the criterion of human nature. . . It is impossible for us to suppose these creatures to be men, because, allowing them to be men, a suspicion would follow that we ourselves are not Christians.”

Hume (1711-1776): “I am apt to suspect the Negroes . . . to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual, eminent either in action or speculation. . . Not to mention our colonies, there are NEGROE slaves dispersed all over EUROPE, of which none ever discovered any symptom of ingenuity . . . In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but ‘tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments, like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly.” [1741/42]1

Robert E. Lee (1807-1870): “The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their instruction as a race, and I hope will prepare and lead them to better things. How long their subjugation may be necessary is known and ordered by a wise Merciful Providence.”

In the 19th century, a man named Charles Darwin, a British naturalist, he demonstrated how the process of evolution works. He wrote a book, published over 150 years ago, called On the Origin of Species. These ideas laid foundation for the continued systematic oppression based on the belief (white supremacy), that people classified as “white” are superior than non-whites. 2

Social Darwinism has been the result of a misguided application of Darwin’s ideas. In recent years, it has structured political, economic, social and cultural circumstances, that Europeans have systematically taken advantage of other racial groups through perverse Jim Crow laws, communism, Nazism, genocidal apartheid legislation etc.


Also, we have seen the same thing, in regards to Arab Muslims. The Arab slave trade was justified in the name of Allah,  Arab cultural prejudices and pseudo-scientific racism. The Arab world sees Africans as abeed stock, Zanj women being synonymous with promiscuity and evil; and this prompted Prophet Muhammad to declare "That if you dreamed of a "black" woman, this was an evil omen.” 3

The great geographer, Idrisi (1110-1165) , ascribes “lack of knowledge and defective minds” to the black peoples. Their ignorance, he says, is notorious; Men of learning and distinction are almost unknown among them.

Sa ‘id al-Andalusi (1029-1070) a qadi of Toledo:
“They lack self-control and steadiness of mind and are overcome by fickleness, foolishness and ignorance, Such are the blacks, who live at the extremity of the land of Ethiopia, the Nubians, the Zanj and the like . . .” . . .

Osama Bin Laden said “In the eyes of the Arab rulers of Sudan they [black slaves] were simply animals given by Allah to make the life of the Arab comfortable.” 4

“...The son of an African mother, however, was usually recognizable at sight and therefore more exposed to abuse and discrimination. “Son of a black woman” was a not infrequent insult addressed to such persons, and “son of a white woman” was accordingly used in praise or boasting.” 5

The famous Al-Tabari, for example, cites no less than six Prophetic traditions which seek to support this story. One tradition reads:
Ham begat all those who are black and curly-haired, while Japheth begat those who are full faced with small eyes, and Shem begat everyone who is handsome of face (Arabs of course) with beautiful hair. Noah prayed that the hair of Ham's descendants would not grow past their ears, and wherever his descendants met the children of Shem, the latter would enslave them. 6

Even today Arab Muslims still participate in slavery. Many Arabs are still buying and selling African slaves today. In the Sudan, Muslims slave markets are filled with Africans in chains from the Dinka Tribe are now being auctioned off to Muslim masters. 7

#2 RACIAL STEREOTYPES: “We hate Africans because they are different than us."
African children: ugly, starving, miserable, naked and speaks a few words plainly.

Intelligence: Low.

Languages: All speak Swahili. Some broken English here and there.

Inventions: None. Ancient Egypt, Sudan, Mali, Great Zimbabwe and other so-called African “civilisations” don’t count because those were white and Western Asian ingenuity.  Africans couldn’t count beyond their toes.  Civilisation began with the arrival of Europeans.

Housing: Africa is a big jungle. Africans generally swing from trees. And some live in mud houses with the exception of those who live in cities built by Europeans and Asians.

Religion: Ancestral worship to pagan gods accompanied with human sacrifice and flesh-eating rituals.

Culture: Animism and paganism. Bloodletting, cannibalism and female mutilations are common in the continent.
“Civilized” males shoot heroine, have guns that are used to rob people and start wars and kill people for no reason. Look at Africa and America.

Mode of transport: Horses, donkeys and “two series”—feet; cars are only used by whites, Africans can’t drive a car. Giving an African a car is like giving a monkey a plane.

Leaders: Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin Dada, Jacob Zuma, Mobutu, al-Bashir

Education: Africans are inferior and have low intelligence, so what’s the use of teaching Niggers how to read and write?

Sexuality: Hypersexualized creatures. Females have large beasts and butts, tribal” and black women in general are oversexed creatures who will sleep with every man in the “tribe.”
African females are famous for being loud, angry, promiscuous tendencies and having 7 “niglets” with different fathers. In American slavery, black female slaves lured white males to rape them, against the wills of white males.

African males are usually violent, naked and untamed cannibals. Black males have huge gentilia, which they use to rape women and breed lots of “niglets” with different mothers.

#3 BLAME-SHIFTING: “We hate Africans because they like to blame others for their problems. It’s your fault.”

Wherever and whatever Africans do, we can’t win. We are blame for “selling our own” in slavery. Africans have cards stucked against them. We are hated for practicing racial exclusion—and when we rush to assimilate, we are accused of “contaminating ” the racial purity of the “superior” races.

African men are seen as lazy and savages ever since we stopped working for free for Whites and the Asians.
Our women are seen as loose because White and Asian males don’t have unlimited access to them like the good ole days of slavery, Jim Crow and colonialism.

It’s our fault that Europeans, Arab and the Asian community has committed an endless array of genocides on our people, enslavement of our people and theft of our lands and wealth.

Nobody from the European and Asian community wants to take responsibility for their massive genocidal crimes against Africans. Slavery, colonialism and apartheid is the fault of Africans because “Africans are a convenient group to single out and blame for world problems."

“It’s not our fault that you are black.” “Go jump off a cliff, I’m not responsible for what my ancestors did hundreds of years ago.” “I wasn’t there. Don’t blame me for the sins of my ancestors. Apartheid ended years ago.”

#4 INHERENT LAZINESS AND LOW IQ: “ Don’t blame it on racism. Africans are stupid and unwilling to work and we hate em cause of it.” 
White people never seem to do anything bad: “Stop whining and take responsibility for your life.”

Extreme poverty and hunger, HIV/AIDS, eBola, Black-on-Black crime, drugs and wars are caused by African warlords, drug dealers, thieves, and every other lowlife.
African people are at fault because they resist development and Western education and only support violent cultural degenerates. The only thing they’re good at is crime and sex.

Any relative success experienced by Africans is because “standards” have been lowered, it’s the non-African blood (i.e. Obama, Booker T. Washington) or everything is given to them.
In other words,  if an African person succeeds, it is because of affirmative action or they’re “black.”

But if a white person “makes it”, he did all by himself – because there is no such thing as white privilege or robbing Africans of their land or the enslavement of the African people in the Americas. No. Whites pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and their own individual merit.

Don’t blame Europeans. White people did all they could do to “civilise” Africans, at no avail. Whites tried slavery, colonialism and apartheid, and all those LOVING ACTS of CHARITY, were intended to help you guys—but it obviously ACHIEVED little results. Stop complaining about these KIND, CHARITABLE acts and be GRATEFUL that it happened. Look at those who resisted our help. Look at those who were never colonised, enslaved or killed by us, they’re some of the most uncivilised people on the planet.

Even Arabs tried to give a LITTLE help in form of slavery, genocides and colonialism, but they ABSOLUTELY free Africans from the miserable state of nakedness and savagery. Now, China is the least hope for Africans.


1. Chinweizu, “Comparative Digests Racism Arab and European Compared” ([Source: http://www.nathanielturner.com/racismarabandeuropeancompare.htm], accessed 6 May 2016.)

2. South African History Online, “Pseudo-Racism and Social Darwinism” (Source: http://www.sahistory.org.za/article/pseudo-scientific-racism-and-social-darwinism-grade-11, 10 September 2016.)

3. (Hadith no 9, vol,162,163).
4. Nyabaa, P. A., Arab Racism in the Sudan, p.163.

5.  (See Chinweizu, Comparative Digests Racism Arab and European Compared).

6. Chinweizu, Ideological / Theological legitimation, “The Curse of Ham.”

7. OBADIYAH YSRAYL , “MESSAGE TO ALL BLACK MUSLIMS” (Source: http://www.angelfire.com/ill/hebrewisrael/blackmuslims.html, accessed 12 April  2016. )

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