23 December 2016

African Manhood pt2

By Sicebise Msengana

African manhood: The family unit is ESSENTIAL to the black man’s DIGNITY. African men rarely talk about 'women’s weaves' and this and that, what dresses 'SHOULD Black women wear' and this and that etc.

Instead, we look at it as a way for black women to SURVIVE in a white supremacist society that is hostile to all black people—including those black folks who wear locks or wear their hair in its natural form.

The emphasis is on finding a black woman who wants to build something REAL with you. Like starting a family with you or being the mother of your children.

Most importantly, as an African man, you can’t put the welfare of foreign women above that of African women. You cannot truthfully fight against racism/white supremacy and still put foreign women on a pedestal or ignore the plight of African women to bond with the women of your enemies.

The black woman has to be the gold standard of beauty, femininity, womanhood and desirability in our African-centred worldview. And whatever spoils the black male receives, she must also benefit.

Message to African women: Your thoughts, actions and gestures must be centred on your only ALLY—the black man. Because white men and other non-black males can’t truly uplift black women ( expensive cars, money, mansions, designer clothing, diamonds etc., don’t count)in the economic, political and cultural SURVIVAL.

In a white supremacy society, the African man is your only protector and provider. Whether black women admit it or not, the SURVIVAL and LIBERATION of our people across the world depends on them (which most take lightly).

I don’t see anything revolutionary about a black woman who solves wrong problems.

Although some African women will justify it by saying ‘I am a human being’ or ‘Love sees no colour.’ It’s not enough to build black communities, businesses and families based on cuteness of some white boy or non-African men. It’s not enough to liberate ourselves between the legs of white/Asian people.
In other words, she no longer poses a serious threat to the system. Because her womb collaborates with racism/white supremacy.
 She doesn’t have what it takes to give birth to the Black Messiah. She ceases  to be the potential mother/wife of the next Malcolm X, Steve Biko, Patrice Lumumba, Dr. King etc. When black women ‘expand their horizons’, you will find our women solving the wrong problems.

Despite ‘falling in love’ with black women or marrying them, the falsely degraded image and systematic oppression (created by White and Asian males) of black women stays the same.

The white-owned media and academia usually shows black females not only sexually attractive, but also sexually available. Do you call that empowerment? Africans understand that it’s impossible for black people who own/ control nothing to be equal to White folks.
 And I quote ‘it takes strong black families to build strong black communities... . WITHOUT strong black families, strong black communities, and strong black business/economic bases, the black collective lacks the tools for prosperity, security, AND survival.’—Interracial Con Game Excerpt, CHAPTER 23.

 Instead, when African man ask ‘Will you marry me?’ He asks the hand of a hardworking, intelligent, independent and conscious African woman. In exchange for his protection, honour and love; she will give him more than he could ever dream  of—being the mother of his children and intimate companion in the journey of life until death do them apart.

There’s simply no possession any African men could hold that is more precious than this.

~The African Love Movement~

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