31 October 2016

Preservation of African Heritage

By Sicebise Msengana

Should Africans go back to the old ways in order to solve their problems? No. There are certain negative and outdated aspects in the African culture, like all cultures that need to updated in order to work for us in the 21th century. The world has changed. It’s time to catch up.

Yes. Certain aspects such as marriage and African-centred families need to be preserved. Marriage, particularly gives African women power over their bodies and thus, self-respect and dignity ( no HIV/AIDS, single mothers, unwanted pregnancies and abortions). Also, African men have cards stacked up in their favour. Because when the African man ask ‘Will you marry me?’ He asks the hand of a hardworking, intelligent, independent and conscious African woman (no HIV/AIDS, gold digging and deadbeat fathers). In exchange for his protection, honour and love; she will give him more than he could ever dream  of—being the mother of his children and intimate companion in the journey of life until death do them apart.

MAJOR PROBLEMS solved here.

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