02 November 2016

Is Interracial Dating and Marriage the solution to the African woman's problems?

By Sicebise Msengana

I understand that most Diaspora Africans bask in the glory of being tricultural (Here I’m trying to find common ground with people who feel the need to  ‘honour’ their non-African ancestry) , after the rape of many Female slaves by white masters. And as a result, are ‘mixed.’ But as a 20-something full-bloodied African male, and a direct descendant of the Xhosa Kingdom, I have no empathy or pay homage to no foreign invader/ slavemaster ancestry—my ancestry doesn’t go beyond the shores of Africa. Instead,  I’m concerned with the pain and suffering of African people across the world.

I have unqualified love and my thoughts, actions, gestures and even speech patterns uncompromisingly work toward the complete empowerment and total freedom of African people. The  African American scholar, Agyei Tyehimba, writes ‘we Black Nationalists are typically mischaracterized as hate-mongers, demagogues, advocates of random violence, misogynists, Black supremacists, and irrational idealists who romanticize an era long gone... .’ (Emphasis mine).  Sure, there are many non-African people who are dating or married with Africans, and happily in love. I respect those people and their choices. I can’t be the judge of what is good or bad for those involved in the said unions in question. Our experiences are unique and I might not understand what led these couples together.  You cannot choose who you love, to an extent. However, we have to face the harsh reality.

Simply put: Integration (or interracial relationship/marriage) is a key ingredient in the destruction of African civilisation through miscegeny. Sex is a powerful tool in the hands of white supremacists. A U.S. president was informed that integration could potentially eliminate the Black ‘problem’, Latin America was successful in ‘whitening’ the ‘curse of Ham’ in African populations; and Apartheid South Africa used the so-called ‘Coloureds’—Dutch and African offspring, as buffers to keep the system alive.

Steps from Interracial Con Game Except,  that Africans can use to avoid extermination and ensure self-preservation:
Africans must grasp that ‘the ONLY true ally of the black male is the black female and the ONLY true ally of the black female is the black male.’
Opposing interracial relationships/marriages serves a largely ‘the economic, political, genetic, and psychological SURVIVAL of blacks in America.’
Africans must understand that ‘that WITHOUT strong black families, strong black communities, and strong black business/economic bases, the black collective lacks the tools for prosperity, security, AND survival
Understands that none of the above is possible without BLACK UNITY.’
Opposing ‘interracial sex (dating, breeding, and marriage) should be avoided/opposed because it destroys black UNITY.’

Here we are , once again, the world is taught that progress and brotherhood among humanity can only be achieved through love and peaceful coexistence. But without the eradication of white supremacy—a criminal global system of benefits and privileges earned by those who are classified as ‘whites’, through the OPPRESSION and EXPLOITATION  of those classified as ‘non-whites’, that goal is IMPOSSIBLE. When other ethnic groups such as whites/Jews, Arabs, Chinese etc., promote love, marriage and families within their own people it is supported and praised. But when Africans do...it’s a double standard ‘What’s wrong with dating other races’ ‘Love shouldn’t be a question of colour’ ‘If two people love each other they should be together regardless of skin colour.”

Apparently, when it comes to Africans different strokes are used and new sets of rules are applied. No one is against human beings ‘fall in love’, but Africans would be a genetic naive and political gullible people to fall into this trap and assist in their own oppression as pawns of the system. Interracial love doesn’t end racism nor should it be treated as ‘racial progress.’ In fact, as Dr. Umar Johnson explained that white supremacy is in its stage of ‘refinement’ and therefore it masquerades as a harmless bug. Whenever Africans own no schooling system, no factories, no bus system, no banking system, no food supplies and have no wealth whatsoever, there can’t be ‘racial equality’ between Africans and non-Africans.
 For Africans to date, sleep, breed or marry outside their own tribe, it doesn’t dignify themselves. The object should be RECOGNITION and RESPECT as a  HUMAN BEING, anything lesser than that is a compromise.

As an African man, I have dated exclusively a couple of African women and lived in the African community most of my life. So I know the psychology of African women. When an African man finds love elsewhere in the arms of non-African woman after being rejected and ridiculed, he’s accused of ‘stepping over the sisters’ or ‘failing to give the sisters a chance.’ He’s then bashed/projected as a ‘self-hater’ or a ‘sell out.’

Yet, if an African woman does it, she’s justified. ‘If he can do it, so can you.’We always are talking about what black women don’t have instead of appreciating the men who do love black women. If African women are to reject African men, then they must do so, on historical evidence:

 Scientific racism, academia and media played a role in this too. These white-controlled tools portrayed African women in the vilest and ugliest ways possible. The African woman is seen as oversexed, loud, masculine and when she lowers her standards she is ridiculed for being a ‘hoe’ and babies born out of wedlock. And some African men indirectly and directly remote-controlled by their psychological white father absorb these lies and fall for these bad stereotypes.

As we know that verbal and physical abuse, rape, molestation and other evils are forced on our women but it’s interesting to note that African  women will never benefit from the white men’s agenda. Even if that white male shares a bed with her. The standard of beauty, femininity, intelligence and purity set by the racial caste system has always been the white female. Despite claiming to love African women, they will never stand up for the African woman in public.  White males will never uplift the African women above the white females as a trophy or prize wife/partner.

In traditional African societies, a woman’s beauty symbolise fertility and nearly all African cultures hold that the African woman has unique talents and gifts to offer to the community. If a girl came to marriage as a hard working, intelligent and independent woman, the bridewealth (dowry) that her suitor's family had paid would earn her special respect from her in-laws. The dowry was originally a ‘thank you’ to the bride’s  parents for raising a responsible and dignified woman.

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