29 October 2016


By Sicebise Msengana

Love anti-white rants
Love abusing and mistreating women
Love being a hate teacher and an advocate of violence and murderous acts
Love harassing little girls and boys
Love denying education, health care, housing and public funds on the basis of skin colour, religion, gender and origin
Love being a self-righteous hypocrite
Love cancer
Love oppression
Love unprotected sex
Love hate

Love killing unarmed innocent Africans
Love modern slavery and colonialism
Love segregation
Love imperialism
Love racism
Love nonviolence and cheek-turning strategies after you have been turning the cheek for over 500 years in a land of bondage and under the most inhumane and cruel system ever forced on a people
Love wars
Love diabetes
Love promoting interracial dating/marriage as a ‘solution’ to racism and an alternative to African men and women relations
Love being a sexist
Love violence
Love civil disobedience
Love chaos
Love single mothers
Love deadbeat fathers
Love unwanted pregnancies
Love abortions
Love homosexuality
Love promiscuity
Love religious-sanctioned discrimination and violence
Love the Ku Klux Klan
Love apartheid
Love Nazism
Love Jim Crow
Love Afrikaner religio-pan German nationalism
Love exploitation
Love racial caste systems
Love ethnic cleansings
Love tribalism
Love drugs
Love crime
Love prostitution
Love greed
Love envy
Love anti-Semitic sentiments
Love confusion
Love anti-African vitriol
Love self-hate to an extent that you bleaching your skin and perm your natural hair
Love looking down on the less fortunate and downtrodden members of society
Love looting non-white regions such as Africa, Asia and Latin America
Love poverty
Love hunger
Love Malaria
Love eBola
Love incarceration
Love the prison industry complex
Love colourism
Love corruption
Love bombs and using those bombs to bomb innocent civilians
Love justifying keeping stolen lands from Africans
Love destroying nature
Love stealing
Love hurting others
Love being a racist
Love being a bigot
Love killing whistle-blowers and those who dare to speak out
Love glorifying the killing of animals for recreational sports
Love inflicting pain and suffering on your fellow human beings
Love lying
Love raping innocent young girls and women

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