27 October 2016

Africans Must Unite Against Injustices

By Sicebise Msengana

As a direct descendant of the Xhosa Kingdom—the royal nation of Kings and Queens and Priesthood. We take pride in our history. There was a time when we made a public mockery of the most powerful military power in the world, the British Empire. We won victories and embarrassed them before the entire world. Our ancestors understood that the  object of war is to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy. The destruction of the enemy is the primary object of war and self-preservation the secondary, because only by destroying the enemy in large numbers can one effectively preserve oneself. What is more, our blood cousins, the Zulu Kingdom  completely
smashed the British army in the Battle of Isandlwana in 1879. But what led to our downfall was DISUNITY and TRUSTING the wrong people.

It’s this foolish behaviour we see in black America. Appealing to the morality of the very people who oppressed, raped female slaves en messe, castrated thousands of black males and systematically enslaved them under the most cruel and wicked system ever imposed on a people. How can you integrate yourself with a group of people who amassed great wealth and obscene privileges through the blood, sweat and tears of your ancestors and continue to do so?

The 60’s Civil Rights movement led by Dr. King, a white-minded integration seeker and other integration seekers who were all subsidised and controlled by white liberal and the federal government who were not in black revolution but worked against the black revolution. Brother Malcolm X described it as “artificial fires that have been ignited and fanned by the white liberals in the desperate hope that they can use this artificial fire to fight off the black revolution.”

Today, we find American Blacks’ livelihoods worsened  and according to Michelle Alexander “It is perfectly legal to discriminate against criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans... .As criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and arguably less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow” (pg. 235). It also came to my understanding that the Civil Rights legislation passed in the periods between 1860s and 1870s were much stronger than those in the 1960s and 1970s and thus, newly freed African slaves made many gains which surpassed, in many instances, the political gains  Blacks made in 1960s and 1970s (Dr. Amos. Wilson, pg. 12).

Today, we find Africans sit in the table and talking negotiations with the very people who took their ancestral land and committed atrocities among their own people. The South African government is yet to make a statement concerning the land in white hands. Most African governments have been hypocritical in regards to the land in white colonial terrorists' hands.
When Africans are being killed in the streets of America through intense racial profiling, robbed of their dignity and recognition as human beings, cheated on their ancestral lands in Africa, being given the most inferior quality of education, housing, health care services, being discriminated in the workplace, and criminal justice system and when we say Africans should do something to protect and defend themselves, they say you are teaching hate and advocating violence. They didn’t say get nonviolent when Osama Bin Laden bombed the Twin Towers. They don’t call it nonviolence when the U.S. government bombed  both Libya and Syria.

Africans both in America and in Africa can extract themselves from this heinous repressive system that is kept in place through intimidation and emotional terrorism, if they desire to be free,  independent and in control of their destiny. Our ancestors couldn’t take it any longer. They didn’t have much but they fought back. I never understood the logic behind nonviolence and ‘peaceful’ protests, could there be a reason why the media and academia wants us to worship Dr. King, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela while ignoring people like Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko, and Huey P. Newton? The obvious reason for this is to make ourselves martyrs in the name of non-violence, while it is far better to make martyrs of the ruling class and police thugs.

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