22 October 2016

Africa Belongs to Africans, Period

By Sicebise Msengana

Cape Town, South Africa: Africa has some of the best beaches on the planet. No wonder non-Africans , especially white people are busy drawing up emotional arguments such as 'Everyone is African or 'Africa is the origin of humanity', in a political bid to loot and take ownership of Africa under the guise of 'Oneness.'

Africans would be dumb to fall for this politically motivated agenda that seeks to disarm them of their ancestral INHERITANCE and allow non-Africans to benefit from ethniculturalism reserved for mainly Africans. Nobody should teach that 'Africa doesn't belong to Africans' unless someone tells white people don't belong to Europe. Nobody should tell Africans that they should 'Go back to Africa' unless someone tells Dutch Boers(so-called 'Afrikaners') and other non-African ethnic groups should go back where they came from. Until someone comes up with carefully gathered, rigorously tested scientific research that suggests that Africans weren't in Africa when Europeans/ Asians pretend to not see them then Africa belongs to Africans, PERIOD.

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