18 October 2016

African men: Loving Your African Women is Revolutionary

By Sicebise Msengana

Every African is my blood brother whether they admit it. As an African brother,  I fully understand the things that my brothers go through. I have experienced the emotions. Many of my brothers were hurt by  their girlfriends, wives or mothers. And this experience scared them for life. As a result, some brothers choose to detach their emotional selves and only show up physically or worse, date, breed or share a bed with non-African woman.

 I can’t tell you how many times the African woman has stepped on my nerves. It’s awful if a woman cheats on you or sleep in the arms of other man. But when you fail to realise that there are many good African women available in the singles market, you choose to become an emotional vampire this allows you to complain about the never-ending tragedies of personal injustices. You end up moaning’all good African women are taken. Only the handicapped ones are left.‘ I’ve also realised that being with someone for the right reasons helps a couple stay together. It takes great wisdom to take some responsibility for your own life and your own happiness.

When a woman leaves you out of her own accord, you can’t make her come back by intimidating, praying or humiliating blackwomen in public. Practicing self-righteousness makes you a bitter and hateful person. An African man praising the African woman? Woman worshipper. An African man pampering the African woman? He is being pimped by that gold digger. Because a woman’s proper place is in the kitchen? Another writer states“the  ONLY true ally of the black male is the black female and the ONLY true ally of the black female is the black male.“ In the anti-racist discourse, African men vent out their anger in a destructive manner, because that’s what the system wants. The system wants us African men to feel discouraged, get to a place where we will give up. Because our relationship with African women seem impossible and hard to maintain. They then push for’half-baked‘ alternatives such as interracial relationships or marriages as a solution to traditional African courtship/marriage.

The African woman can’t be absolved; if we see African men as  dogs that is what the world will give us. It is not solely an African man’s  responsibility to eradicate social ills. African men and African women of all social classes in global African communities must work together to solve internal contradictions and organize them, arm them, and help them to establish revolutionary political power.
 However, the African female loses respect for the African male because African men have somewhat fail to protect and serve them. When the African man assists in the oppression of the African woman, he not only alienates himself from his  own women—his true  ALLIES, but he openly declares himself as an enemy of African women in general. Every time an African man empowers women outside his own tribe or embarrasses her in the public by calling her nasty names such as’Hoes‘, the African woman doesn’t benefit.  The same reason educated and successful African women move out of the African community because of high crime rates( African women with common sense will strive to leave any dangerous environment), reluctantly  date and marry outside the ethnic group because the African man’s agenda doesn’t benefit her. Weak African men can’t protect her and give her a share of the spoils. Weakness doesn’t represent progress. But HIV/AIDS, single mothers, deadbeat fathers, poverty, crime and disorder.

But African men must grasp this message: protecting and providing for our women is a priority, we African men must even consider laying down our lives for our women and children to ensure the economic, political, genetic, and psychological CONTINUATION of Africans. The failure to PROTECT and PROVIDE for our  women makes them lose respect for us because when she’s left to fend for herself in a dangerous world, she becomes vulnerable to uninvited advances and exploitation from non-African sexual predators. The reason white slave masters and Asians were able to sexually prey on African female slaves en masse, it was because there were no African men to PROTECT them. Our women look at their men with shame and disgust because they can’t PROTECT them. Because he is the man; she is not. Any slightest attempt to rescue her, it would mean the world to her.

For those brothers who feel lost and overwhelmed by past failed relationships with  African women:

People may love you for what you do for them or you are attractive to them. You need to get out there and meet someone better. She wasn’t your love of your life if she left you for someone else. Your destiny is not tied to them. Don’t be discouraged because som

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