25 August 2016

The Myth of African Deadbeat Fathers

By Sicebise  Msengana

Dr. Umar Johnson writes "You’ve heard the rumors, for they are everywhere, and although unproven, they still resonate as “facts” throughout much of American society. The untruth that Black men don’t want to care for their children has become a staple in American folklore. Even sadder is the fact that these rumors are not only postulated by the numerically dominant white majority of this country, but are actually created, maintained and reinforced by the Black community itself...."

As part of myth making: stereotypes rely on taking minor, individual cases and puts them as 'facts', which allows the white power structure to inundated Africans with disinformation to instill the myth of white supremacy in the hands of Africans. It is a highly effective psychological warefare in the hands of the ruling class. They (ruling class ) know that family is the foundation of a nation.

However, numbers tell a different story. A research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals the following:

1.  Involvement  in  activities with  children  under  age  5 years 

  • Non-Hispanic  white  men  aged 15–44  had  the  largest  difference between  those  with  coresidential children  (37%)  and  those  with noncoresidential  children  (8.2%).  The difference  was  smallest  among  nonHispanic  black  men,  with  33%  having coresidential  children  and  24%  having noncoresidential  children.  Among Hispanic  men,  more  than  twice  as  many had  coresidential  children  (44%)  than had  noncoresidential  children  (18%). 
2. How  often  fathers  fed  or  ate  meals with  their  children 
Variation  by  Hispanic  origin  and race  was  seen  in  the  percentages  of coresidential  fathers  who  ate  meals  with their  children  every  day.  Specifically, Hispanic  fathers  were  less  likely  to  eat meals  with  their  children  every  day (64%)  than  were  non-Hispanic  white (74%)  or  non-Hispanic  black  (78%) fathers. 

3. How  often  fathers  played  with their  children 
  • A higher  percentage  of  Hispanic fathers  aged  15–44  (52%)  had  not played  with  their  noncoresidential children  in  the  last  4  weeks  compared with  white  (30%)  and  black  (25%) fathers. 
4. How  often  fathers  bathed, diapered,  or  dressed  their  children 
  • There  was  a  significant  difference by  Hispanic  origin  and  race  among fathers  with  coresidential  children: Black  fathers  (70%)  were  most  likely  to have  bathed,  dressed,  diapered,  or helped  their  children  use  the  toilet  every day  compared  with  white  (60%)  and Hispanic  fathers  (45%). 
5. How  often  fathers  read  to  their children 
  • A smaller  percentage  of  white  fathers aged  15–44  had  not  read  to  their coresidential  children  at  all  (8.4%) compared  with  black  (19%)  or Hispanic  fathers  (32%). 
  • A larger  percentage  of  fathers  aged 15–44  of  Hispanic  origin  (70%)  had not  read  to  their  noncoresidential children  at  all  in  the  last  4  weeks compared  with  black  (47%)  and white  (36%)  fathers.  Parents who didn't read or read less or more is influenced by the level of education -- be it  a high school diploma or college level education. The full report is available for download.

But the white establishment would have us to believe that African fathers have abandoned their roles as fathers, that's why we have young Black 'thugs' who roam the streets -- stealing,  robbing, raping and killing people for no reason. We are told, they lack morals and don't have values. Like the case of Mike Brown, even if they are running away from the police or unarmed, the vicious racists cops are within the rigged American judicial system to shoot and killed them. If only African fathers would spend as much time and resources on their kids as white fathers do...

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