24 August 2016

500 Years of Resentment and Anger Against Africans

By Sicebise Msengana

I won't speak for  'Hebrew Israelites' and 'Black Indians', let their advocates speak for them. I will only speak for Africans -- both continental Africans and Diaspora. I understand that these pseudo-identities our people have picked up are coping mechanisms in a white society that bashes anything that looks 'African.' The poor arguments are in contradiction to scientific and archeological evidence. The purpose of these ideologies are to serve as a group therapy for those affected by slavery.

They are more of political rather than scientific. In a post I made on Google+:
I don't buy into the 'Africans sold their own' argument. White people like to maintain an aura of innocence, while the actual victims are
blamed for their problems. Many people particularly the African Americans are falling for the trick. Afrocentrists are treating it with the very contempt they ridicule whites for holding against Africa. 'Africans sold their own,' so what? Africa is a big continent and has lots of different ethnic groups (Igbos, Xhosas, Zulus etc.) Not every African ethnic groups were present at the time of the transatlantic slave trade. My ancestors were not present. They were pastoralists who began migrating from West Africa to South Africa 5000 years ago. They then assimilated with the KhoiSan people ( oldest population in the world) and created a new identity (language and culture) approximately 2000 years ago. Are we going to use collective guilty to paint every African with the same brush?

The intent behind the post was show how lame it is to blame Africans for 'selling their own.' Now because of this lame argument, our people especially in America feel justified in looking down on Africa and being more disconnected from the region.

I remember watching another video by Dr. Umar Johnson, he lamented the fact that Africans are very silent on what's happening in the streets of America. Indeed, the silence of African countries is deafening! But look it the other way around: millions of African Americans across the American continent simply make not effort to connect to the Motheland. Instead of having an African American scramble for Africa, they go around in circles and claiming false identities because Africaness is something they despise so much. Why  should Africa have an agenda for a group of people that doesn't even bother to visit the continent, let alone moving back to Africa? The 'I can be anything but African' mentality is killing relations between Africans and African Americans. I spend time reading these twisted conspiracy theories espoused by these cultural orphans claiming that Blacks were the first people in America, Europe, Asia and now they're claiming that Black people were the first human beings in space. Some even claim that Black people are gods. Can you believe it?

They profess to be non-Africans but catch them when the racist cops start killing unarmed Africans, they cry 'Africa doesn't care about us' 'Why hasn't Africa come for its children?' We don't even feel African American presence in Africa. Actually lesser than 5000 African Americans moved back to Africa . Instead of having an African American scramble for Africa, we have an Asian presence. It's estimated that more than 1,4 million Asians live in Africa. Why hold a grudge against Africa, if no transatlantic slave trade happened? Without African blood no African American is entitled to Africa and its resources. As these arguments 'prove' that African Americans are not African then Hebrew Israelites and Black Indians living in Africa must stop looting Africa and go back where they came from. One must tread carefully playing with 'Hotep' arguments from pseudo intellectuals who have YouTube university and Google college degrees.

I feel that both groups need to work things out between themselves for the sake of future generations. Africa has repeatedly apologised for selling its children. But Black America has been shutting us out like a woman with trust issues. It's no wonder when Africans meet black Americans, they hate each other. And the white man benefits from this failed relationship between our people. The white man and his 'conscious' black Olmecs and 'true' Jews keeps the groups fighting and distracted while he continues to harvest beautiful Africa. He tells Black Americans you are 'Not African', while he redefines the identity of our people to lay a claim to Africa.

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