20 August 2016

Modern African Traditional Clothing

By Sicebise Msengana

The feelings of so-called civilisation are mixed. What may appear as 'civilisation' might be instincts.

"My  own  impression,  from  having  divided  my  life  between United  States  cities  and  New  Guinea  villages,  is  that  the  so-called  blessings of  civilization  are  mixed.  For  example,  compared  with  hunter-gatherers, citizens  of  modern  industrialized  states  enjoy  better  medical  care,  lower risk  of  death  by  homicide,  and  a  longer  life  span,  but  receive  much  less social  support  from  friendships  and  extended  families.  My  motive  for investigating  these  geographic  differences  in  human  societies
 is  not  to  celebrate  one  type  of  society  over  another  but  simply  to  understand  what  happened  in  history ( Diamond 18). "

This a Xhosa traditional dress. We call it Umbhaco. Liberation is about owning your story. Many Africans everywhere are fully aware that 'civilisation' has enhanced them technologically, but imposed its superficial standards of beauty. Africans are very smart and know they cannot integrate into white society and feel no need to.

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