13 May 2023

Black People Need a New Extremist Social Theory

 By Sicebise Msengana 

There was a time when I thought about black men having interracial mixing with women of other races, so that black people can inherit the "suicidal" genes. Senditsho the bloodlines of hostility, conquering and warmongering (triad traits) that are prone in non-black populations outside Africa. My argument was that African or black genes are too peaceful, and loving. Black people are not a warring race. We too kind to be a dominant race.

If you look in history and observe massive war crimes committed against black people and how black people manage to forgive and move on. Other races would never forgive. But black people always forgive and our naive/childlike belief that other races must be kind and peaceful like us, since we a loving race (BIG MISTAKE). 

Hence, we are perpetual victims of the genocidal, enslaving and colonial actions of another people. 6000 years of black enslavement and land theft. Yet, the psychology and biology of black people hasn't changed. We haven't adapted to our natural environments. 

If dictatorship of the People becomes a reality, I think one of key elements would be a massive psychological propaganda machine to change the way black people think and inculcate a new behavioural and mental thinking process. To win the war, we have to think like them, behave like them. Black people are naturally accommodating, kind, peaceful, loving and forgiving. The problem with most black people is that we don't comprehend how this genetic naivety/gullibility is used against us by other races. 

These thinking processes also keep us firmly in shackles. Why fight when you think your enemies will one day reason like you and experience an epiphany? We think these people are like us. These races have their own psychology and biology which is different to ours. We see life through a prey worldview and they see life through a predatory worldview. That's why we need a political, social and cultural system to RADICALISE black people.

If there's something I hate about black people is their friendly, and naivety/gullibility nature. Black people are too loving, accommodating, peaceful, kind, comfortable and naive to be liberated/free. Our natural enemies exploit this genetic weakness against us. Our enemies know with absolute certainty that black people are going to FORGIVE and FORGIVE any genocide, invasion or political attacks from the USA 🇺🇸/Europe and Asia. They also know that we are going to use their methods such as marches (protests) and democratic governments/elections to try to solve our problems. Then they use their academic, political, military and economic institutions to blame for us our problems and while keeping us in perpetual poverty and enslavement. 

Which global war was ever instigated by black men against Europe or Asia for the survival of black people? Name black men who dragged the entire world into destruction to free Africa or colonise the planet so that black people can prosper. You see? Black people are too kind and peaceful. Hence, everyone preys on us. We see the world through a naive child's eyes. We believe that everyone is kind like us since we are a genetic gullible race. 

In the past 1000 years, Europeans and Arabs have killed, enslaved, raped and maimed more than 180 million people in Africa (+80 million Africans dead or enslaved through the Arab slave trade and its wars) and (+100 million Africans who perished in the Maafa/European slave trade, colonialism and apartheid and wars instigated by Europeans). But the message is still love and forgiveness. We even blame ourselves for genocidal and colonial war crimes committed against us. Yet, no one blames jews for the Holocaust or American Japanese for pearl Harbour attack. Jews and Japanese got reparations worth billions. 

Do you think Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or any other Asians would forgive colonialists and destruction that they brought on their lands and people? Do you think Europeans/white people would forget the Ottoman empire, Moorish invasion or Genghis Khan' bloodthirsty armies that devoured nations in their path and distant lands were paralyzed with fear? No. 

But you have a bunch of black people walking around loving their enemies and forgiving colonisation and apartheid. We celebrate their heroes, holidays, cultures and history. We name our children after their ancestors and send our kids to be educated by our enemies in their schools. We roll with them, speak their languages, worship their gods/ancestors, marry them, kiss them and have children with these people. 

If you look at the political world, every race is preying on black people. We are prey and these pale skinned/straight hair races are predators. Africa has been a hunting ground for more than 6000 years. The thought of encouraging black men to breed with white, Arab and Asian women lingered on my mind for some time. So that children born from these arrangements can inherit "suicidal" genes or warring bloodlines. Since ancestors of Europeans and Asians bred with neanderthals. Then "friendly" "happy" or "gullible/naive" genes would be watered-down. 

World revolutions and wars led by White, Arabic and Asiatic bloodlines are global, deadly and liberating to those who participate in them.

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