22 April 2023


 By Sicebise Msengana 

We Nationalists, hundreds of thousands of fighters remember old fighters and comrades in struggle. History has shown that angry Xhosa men are a force so swift and violent that no power, however great, will be able to hold them back. They will sweep all the imperialists/colonizers, corrupt misLeaders, fake prophets, sellouts and evil tribalists into their graves.

Our political views are radical and ready to blow up this rotten place. Beyond all doubt, our future and maximum programme is to carry the Xhosa empire to an ideological and social splendour. Rallying upon millions of millions of AmaXhosa to re-establish our revolutionary empire and expand our war, we shall carry out political tasks of the revolution and take over.

In the old days when it was difficult to be a Nationalist. There was always a part of people who stood out as fighters and more was expected from them than from millions of national comrades in the kingdom. They showed national pride and political strength for millions of AmaXhosa even those who are outside our ranks. The Khoe/San as the progenitors of AmaXhosa, lived and interacted with the Xhosa people for thousands of years. Exchanging culture, language, traditions and spirituality. Pre-colonial Xhosaland stretched from parts of KZN (Kokstad etc.) down to the shores of Robben Island. Together the Khoe and Xhosa nation mobilized the most valuable elements of struggle and sacrifice in the larger Xhosa nation. Mpondo, Mpondomise and Mthembu later joined and became nations within a nation. 

Two sons of King Phalo, Gcaleka and Rharhabe established two royal houses: AmaGcaleka and AmaRharhabe in the 1700s. King Hintsa - ahhh Zanzolo!!! was the most feared and famous king in all Xhosaland and beyond. According to Sisa Dumalise, "King Hintsa (1780 – 1835), also known as Ahhh! Zanzolo Umjongwa ntshiyeni...Great Xhosa King. According to my understanding based on what I have read and told by elders of my tribe and through my knowladge and intuition as uTshawe was never betrayed by his own men, most of his worriors and councilors were loyal and most importantly they feared him and AmaMfengu on their arrival they had to hide their real chief or 'Inkosi' as they feared the Xhosa King might execute them. King Hintsa was called -Umjongw' Ntshiyeni bath'qumbile for reason- He was feared."

The empire already had three principles, a true ideology/Nationalist thought, social theory and as the one and only power in Xhosaland. Our glorious and laudable AmaButho (army); the old, proud, standard bearers of our people championed political leadership and the kingdom. 

Sisa Dumalise wrote about Amabutho, "According to Jeff Peires amaXhosa didn't have regiments who led them to war and they didn't have military descipline, I beg to differ. 

AmaXhosa were well organized during 1800s and each sub group (amabutho)had enough numbers to fight. List of Amabutho ka Xhosa during Eastern frontier Wars:

1. Amajinqi ka Maqoma they lived between Kai river and Kieskamma. ( Bhofolo, Nyara Khobonqaba ngumhlaba ka Maqoma nga maJingqi )

2.Imi-Ngcangcathelo led by Tyhali at Alice.He gave permission for Fort Hare University to be built at Alice that was his land ( impi ka Tyali ibihlala ngaku mlambo Tyume ImiNgcangcathelo okanye amaKhweleshe.

3. One of Xhosa's large army .Imi-Dange led by Ngwema, later by Marula and then by Kuse , Mahute and Jalamba. Mahute was killed. They were attacked by Ndlambe refusing his Authority over them killing Mahute Funo had to take over.

4. Ama-Gwelane led by Anta his army was sometimes called amaNdlovu he fought all Xhosa wars and was not affected by Nongqawuse cattle killing he refused flat. He Shot his own brother for retreating during the war of Axe 1846-7. Anta one o my favourite characters .

5.AmaQqunukhwebe their founder was a bodyguard of king Tshiwo and his job was to assassinate people especially witches (abathakathi) his name was Khwane after him they were led by Phatho, and then by his son Dilima General of the army . East London was their land before they settled eXesi after being attacked by the restless Ndlambe army... 

They are separate into two groups (AmaQgunukhwebe kama Phatho Amaqgununukwe ka Kama)


6.Ama-Ndlambe led by general Nxele Makhanda they settled at Grahamstown now it's named Makhanda. One of his blood thirsty warriors Senzo, Ngxokelo; Gege, Cakana, Mgwanya would also lead his army too.

7.I-Ntsonyana ka Bhukru , Centane is their land.They were led by Khiva General of the whole Gcaleka army but he belonged kwi I-Ntsonyana 

9.Ama-Mbhede led by Sigidi and his bodyguard who stole the fire-arm of Mfengu man and refused to obey British law. His name was ...i forgot. Chief Sigidi land was IDutywa .

10.Ama- Jingqi ka Dumalisile led by amaNqosini not to be mistaken by amajinqi ka Maqoma. 

11.Imi-Dushane led by Matabese brave man, his army was responsible for wounding Chief Maqoma During Xhosa civil war 1818.

12. Ama- Velelo, Right-Hand house of Gcaleka, led by Ngubo powerful chief who flogged Nonqawuse with a stick back in1856-7 calling her a fake prophet and a liar. Ngubo played a big role when they were attacking Ngangelizwe during the war of Nongxokozelo. He refused to slaughter his cattles and ran away with his army and bodyguards. The list of impi ka Xhosa is endless."

It was common for the most brave General in all Xhosaland, Inkosi Maqoma - ahhh Jongumsobomvu!!! to send his armies to his uncle, King Hintsa, and united against the white colonialists. Inkosi Siyolo and Inkosi Xhoxho led AmaButho that slaughtered 100s of British Queens Regiments until British asked for negotiations. Hence, Robben Island was built by the British colonial government to imprison and torture radical Xhosa warrior men. 

The word "Kumkani" means Emperor or absolute king. The royal bloodlines of the Xhosa empire/kingdom gave us anti-colonial revolutionaries in Africa who engaged in 244 year old revolutions against European settlers. The longest wars of resistance of any African nation. These pre-1994 bloodlines who dominated African politics mostly for 215 years, from 1779 to 1994. And gave birth to Xhosa men and women like King Hintsa, Inkosi Maqoma, Makhanda, Inkosi Siyolo, Inkosi Xhoxho, Robert Sobukwe, Oliver Reginald Tambo, Lilian Ngoyi, Winnie Mandela Madikizela, Steve Biko, Chris Thembisile Hani, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki and many others. 

The invasion of Southern Africa was delayed by 100 years of war against British colonialists because AmaXhosa were one of the strongest kingdoms in Africa and had the largest army in all of Southern Africa. AmaXhosa nation didn't lose a battle against the British until 1878-79. The first Xhosa revolution commenced in 1779 and successive Xhosa Wars of Land Dispossession followed. The first three Xhosa Wars of Land Dispossession were took place 1779 and 1818, which were between AmaXhosa and Dutch colonialists. The Fourth Xhosa War of Land Dispossession began in 1818 and lasted until 1823. 

In 1834, the Fifth Xhosa War of Land Dispossession broke out also known as Hintsa's War (1834-1836). Armies led by Inkosi Maqoma swept across the frontier into the Cape Colony. All Xhosa and Khoe people formed an alliance and took arms against the British colonialists sparked by tensions over land and cattle. It was marked by dominant Xhosa resistance led by King Hintsa and Inkosi Maqoma, including attacks on European settlements and destruction of livestock and crops. The most significant event in Xhosaland occurred in 1835 when HRM Kumkani Hintsa was slain and beheaded by British colonialists. 

The Sixth Xhosa War of Land Dispossession (1839-1841) broke out and AmaXhosa attacked British military barracks and settlements, killing every white land thief in sight. A fake prophet called Nongqawuse had a "vision of cattle killing." Colonel Maclean and Sir George Grey further orchestrated genocidal wars which were evident between 1856 and 1857, under the guise of "cattle killing."

Europeans were soundly defeated until the white colonizers resorted to a scorch earth policy, hiring impimpis and converting the natives to Western religions. The death of Sandile ka Ngqika - ahhh Mgolombane!!! at the Isidenge Forest marked the end of 100 years of bloody resistance of AmaXhosa, during which 9 revolutionary wars were fought. Mgolombane led the Xhosa revolutionary armies through the 7th, 8th and 9th Wars of Land Dispossession. One of King Ngqika's sons, Inkosi Xhoxho was killed and well as Inkosi Siyolo, grandchild of King Ndlambe. 

The second Xhosa revolution from 1948 to 1994 was marked by staunch resistance against the apartheid regime. The 1948 generation inherited the struggle. To a point where the apartheid government had to divide Xhosaland into Transkei and Ciskei. Then they passed other segregationist and colonialist legislation to contain our revolution. Pre-94 Nelson Mandela and Robert Sobukwe were among the most feared men in Africa. The Apartheid regime worked with the US government's intelligence agency, CIA, to track Nelson Mandela's movements inside and outside the country. Hence, they arrested Mandela in 1963 and sentenced him to life in 1964 at the infamous Rivionia Trials. The Apartheid regime was terrified of intellectuals and scholars like Steve Biko and Robert Sobukwe from the Eastern Cape. Formal plans for political assassinations were made when political parties were banned. 

The white apartheid regime killed the black consciousness leader, Steve Biko on 12th September 1977 after they saw his influence on the South African youth. They banned Robert Sobukwe from leaving South Africa to teach in an US university. They feared Sobukwe so much that they kept him in solitary confinement for three years and killed him in 1978 and also killed Mandela in jail in 1985. Eliminated OR Tambo. Then killed Chris Thembisile Hani in 1993 when he refused to be a part of white CODESA negotiations. He walked out on that reactionary and sham provisional government.

Then gave us a fake/clone/double body Nelson Mandela as means to pacify land thuggery and genocidal crimes committed by white land thieves during apartheid. 

The third Xhosa revolution and people's war is underway after the stab-in-the-back of the Eastern Cape and AmaXhosa in a post apartheid government, as a result of negotiations led by fake Nelson Mandela and ANC traitors. Post 94 bloodlines are shaped by:

I. deliberate integration/assimilation/intermarriage/multiculturalism - a biological/genetic genocide to outbred AmaXhosa resulting in less Xhosa children born. 

II. liberalism, western religions, and white culture. 

III. ANC misLeaders, democracy, engineered poverty, underdevelopment and starvation across the Eastern Cape. 

IV. Undermining Xhosa culture and Xhosa monarchy. 

These state sponsored weapons intended to weaken our bloodlines and kill the militancy inherent in Xhosa men and national pride of Xhosa women. 

Only then, if we in the kingdom with our most obedient dedication become the highest embodiment of Nationalist thought and being in the likeness of our forefathers. The modern Xhosa royalty must not confine itself to "cultural" events and attendances; besides maintaining Xhosa culture, it should also shoulder important tasks such as spreading propaganda among AmaXhosa people, organizing AmaXhosa, arming AmaButho, helping them to establish revolutionary political power in Africa and setting up lobby/special interest groups. The sole purpose of Xhosa royalty and Amabutho is to stand firmly with AmaXhosa and serve them wholeheartedly. 

The commanders, fighters and comrades in struggle must not relax in the least their will to continue the revolutionary movement and struggle; the white colonizers and their clever blacks, ANC lunatics, sellouts and tribalists will never lay their weapons, that they will never be friends of the Xhosa kingdom, til their doom. Fight til the defeat of the ANC, fight til the defeat of the white democratic government... fight til the victory; that must be the logic of the Xhosa people and they too must never go against against this logic. Every Xhosa royal and every Xhosa revolutionary comrade will be put to test, to resist or surrender. Every Xhosa is free to choose, but economic, political, cultural and social events in South Africa will force you to make the choice. 

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