07 June 2022

Lessons I'll Teach My Sons

By Sicebise Msengana 

- Don't argue with women. 

- Go to the library. Make reading books your culture. Construct yourself intellectually. Never stop learning. 

- Never sleep with a married woman. Also, avoid women who have baggage from past relationships. 

- Marriage, children and raising a family are ways to maintain bloodlines. Don't be forced into raising another man's children. Being a stepfather is your loss genetically, financially and another man's success. 

- Hitting or abusing women is beta male behavior. Be able to spot nonsense from a mile away and walk away. 

- Never forgive cheating, be a male bestie or a hero. Don't be a simp/beta male. Have abundance/options. Embrace patriarchy and masculinity. 

- Use your masculinity, intelligence and strength to leverage finding a high value woman and build with her.

- Don't chase women. Women come and go. Focus on your purpose and they will follow you. By developing yourself, you ensure that you get to the top and stay at the top. 

- If you don't fight for yourself, you have already lost. People don't give a fuck about you. Because they are busy obsessing over themselves. Be assertive. Stand up for yourself.

- Always assume that you are an alpha male. Be dominant. Own guns. Have a potential to inflict harm. A harmless man is a man who can't protect his family. 

- Health is the most important asset. Go to gym. Eat healthy. 

- A man is made.

- Don't be a "gentleman" or a "real man." Just be a man. Societal shaming tactics will cause you to simp or seek validation. 

- Pain and suffering is inevitable for growth. 

- Chase money and power. A rich or powerful man is more respected than a good man. The world will never forgive you for being powerless. 

- Don't lose your sense of self and identity trying to please people and seek their approval. Draw ego validation from within.

- The important person in your life is you. Put yourself first and be selfish with your resources. Don't feed every dog and give them the energy to fight you.

- Stay away from feminists/independent women, retired hoes, slay queens and "indoda must" females. They will destroy your life and ruin your finances. 

- Live within your limits. Save to invest. Doing things for the show will hurt you in the long run,  financially. 

- Start a business or learn a scarce trade, so that you can mine wealth.

- Don't chase love from women. Because they love through honour, sacrifice, respect and strength.

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