07 June 2022

Lessons I'll Teach My Daughters

By Sicebise Msengana 

- The most important asset is not your body, but your mind. What will you do when men get tired of your body? At least, nobody gets tired of an intelligent and resourceful person. 

- Use your youth and beauty to leverage finding a high value man.

- Patriarchy compliments matriarchy. Masculinity compliments femininity. 

- Marriage, children and raising a family are the greatest gifts.

- Being submissive, cooperative, teachable and feminine will reward you with a good man and overall positive interactions with men. 

- Don't pay attention to 50/50 or gender equality pushed by feminism. Men and women are not equal. Being a feminist, masculinized loudmouth will result in you settling for low value guys or being lonely. Coz no sane man will put up with never-ending fights, arguments etc.

- people, money and relationships come and go. Rather than chasing worldly things, focus on worthwhile stuff like education, community service, raising a family. 

- Dressing provocatively, uncontrollable attention appetite, tattoos and piercings will induce lustful passions from men. They will treat you based on your presentation. 

- Sleeping around and jumping from one bed to another ruins women, psychologically and biologically. "My body, my choice" mantra will ruin your ability to pair bond with one partner, get you an STI or end up raising children alone as a single parent. 

- Don't judge a man by his wallet or looks. Judge him by his character and ability to keep promises. 

- Always remember your African roots - culture, language, spirituality, ancestors and history. 

- Being a single mother is not something to be proud of. Try by all means to replicate in marriage or two parent household.

- Have your own money. This will save you from unnecessary sex and abusive relationships because you want things you can't afford. 

- Virginity is the highest premium. The less inexperienced you are in sex or relationships, the better ( this is about psychology). Rather be a virgin until marriage than promiscuous. Sex disturbs the mind. 

- Never date or marry a simp/beta male. That man will abuse or kill you due to lack of options. That man will throw you out in the cold when he finds new boobs and ass to fixate on. That man will pay rent for side chicks while your kids are starving. Because he is controlled by his sexual urges and weak minded.

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