08 July 2020

White Allies: Why it is Difficult To Make Friends With White People

By Sicebise Msengana

As an African nationalist, I find it difficult to find common ground with white people, especially in topics that involve race, in particular racism without being accused of hate. It's not "hate" as most white people allegedly assume.

It is hard to even making friends or allies with the white community when our experiences are screwed up in the first place.

Let's imagine: the year is 1500.  A few African explorers illegally build forts and invade Europe.

African men invade Europe, kill white men, rape white women and enslave the entire white populace. Loot, murder, discriminate, colonize, rape and PILLAGE Europe for another 400 years. Make themselves the image of God and therefore, force Europeans to worship, revere and see God as a black man. Make African women the standard of Beauty and impose their full lips, short kinky hair, big butts, brown skin and full breasts on white women.

Criminalize white men as criminals, rapists, thugs and brutes who lack morals and can't control their impulses. Thus, lynch, castrate and throw millions of white males in jails. While white women are left with nothing but poverty stricken communities, raising white babies and children alone without any meaningful assistance from their men.

Resist any efforts of white people to liberate themselves through brute force, merciless GENOCIDES, and absolute brutal psychological efficient tactics designed to plant fear, paranoia, mistrust, tribalism, xenophobia, disunity and chaos between Europeans across Europe. Kill, suppress, and imprison all of white liberation movement and its leaders.

Forward to the 21 century; Africans are control of Europe and its economies, media, politics and social structures. Hell, Africans are in charge of the entire banking system, major businesses, institutions and land in Europe, all mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, crude oil, gas, steel, and many more precious minerals are processed and kept in Africa for the benefit of the African continent.

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