09 July 2020

Eurocentric Standards of Beauty

By Sicebise Msengana

From the minds of white men and their supposed superiority; they constructed a image of white women being the standard of beauty, purity, womanhood and femininity. The image of the white woman as THE STANDARD OF FEMININE BEAUTY has been forced onto non-whites globally. No matter how beautiful women of color have been; the white female was the perimeter from where they were judged.

White men worshipped white women convinced the entire planet of white womanhood at the expense of African men and women.

The pure white woman determined how Europeans looked at Africans. If white women were pure, then black men were the threat. Thus, black men were viewed as savages, criminals and rapists. And if white women were pure, then black women were not. Thus, black women viewed as easy and loose.

Therefore, the white man had to protect his women from Africans of both genders. In order to do so, segregation, formal and informal, media and cultural propaganda,  discrimination, lynchings, prisons, etc. to achieve this end. black men and black women didn’t invent the ideology of white womanhood. It’s white men who invented it in order to oppress Blacks, keep them forever subordinate, maintain inequality, and to cover up his guilt for raping African women for over 400 years.

 This racist/misogynistic duality of women has mentally poisoned women the world over. The fashion industry and media wants to project the image of white models so that brainwashed and gullible public buy into the peculiarly European notion of the cult of white womanhood.

Despite the faux idea that white women are the epitome of beauty, virtue, and affluence that is being exported to the far corners of the earth along with hateful images of Black women is falling apart in recent years.

Most white women are naturally petite thin, have thin lips, long hair, small breasts and butts: the EUROCENTRIC ideal of beauty which has been pushed to the world for centuries. However, in recent years, many white women seek surgery in order to have characteristics that are more naturally common black women (collagen insertions, breast enhancements, buttocks uplifts/injections).

Yet, this racist/misogynist standard of beauty is imposed on AFRICAN women forcefully.

African women on average have short kinky hair, full lips, and figures and big butts. But they're expected to be like white women. Millions of African women are starving themselves to death to be thin, criminally and psychologically coerced to damage their scalps with dangerous and poisonous hair straighteners, and put on dead people's hair (weaves) dedicated to Indian gods.

The pressure for White women to be thin and blond, so as to be distinguished from Black, Arab, Indian, and Chinese women has negatively affected women globally, including white women.

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