07 April 2018

Pan-African Identity

By Sicebise Msengana

"Black, or Blackness, tells you how you look without telling you who you are, whereas Africa, or Africans, relates you to land, history, and culture"– John Hendrik Clarke

One thing that impressed me the most is that we are all related as Continentals. Tribe, race, nation, ethnicity, are all anthropologically and ontologically identical in many ways, with slight differences. The so-called "differences" we are made to see is a consequence of European/Arab colonialism and Eurocentric racism. Maturity in modern day Africa means we do not let these differences and these identities divide us.

"Whoever does not inform his children of his grandparents has destroyed his child, marred his descendants, and injured his offspring the day he dies. Whoever does not make use of his ancestry, has muddled his reason Whoever is unconcerned with his lineage, has lost his mind. Whoever neglects his origin, his stupidity has become critical Whoever is unaware of his ancestry his incompetence has become immense. Whoever is ignorant of his roots his intellect has vanished. Whoever does not know his place of origin, his honor has collapsed"–Timbuktu Scholar 14th Century

The criteria of being African is always defined by Continental Africans at home. What defines an African? Being African is more than the name and skin hues; it is connected to indigenous rights, sovereignty, historical, cultural and biological claim to the continent of Africa.

1. African blood

2. African culture (practising  and observing African CULTURAL values)

3. Phenotype (physical features)

4. Self-identifying ( acknowledging yourself as an African)


1. http://africanholocaust.net/african-race/

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