05 April 2018

3 Ways Africans are Destroyed

By Sicebise Msengana

1. False goods from fake salesmen.

 The great weapon, which the European and Asian oppressors use against Africans is controlling the thinking of Africans.
For example, they will manufacture “solutions”, and imply that the only way to attain freedom and prosperity is through those “solutions” or working with them. One of such tricks is nonviolent “protests”, and “allies.”

The Civil Rights Movement which was not a victory or nonviolent but it did manage to make the Bourgeois state panic and win economic and political rights for black people.

 Militancy which eventually must take on violent forms, is the only way to fight racism/white supremacy. Despite popular myths, Martin Luther King’s life is one of historical fabrication.

We are told that he only won the limited, if not hollow, victories of the civil rights movement using nonviolence. “The white power structure chose to negotiate with the pacifists, and we have seen the results....”— How Nonviolence Protects the State, Peter Gelderloos 2007.
We have witness the failures of the “solutions” offered by the establishment. Simply because Africans confined themselves in only one method and forgot to use alternatives.

2. Brainwashing.  And another thing, is brainwashing through white institutions such as schools, colleges, churches etc., that also serves a political agenda for keeping Africans docile and subservient to their European and Asian slave masters.

To quote one of the greatest African scholars, Dr. Amos Wilson:
The European/Asian/Arab can exist to the extent that we [Afrikans] are not in control of our common sense, our identity, of a shared collective activity level, to the extent that we are not in love with ourselves, or our people. We will not be taught any of these things in their schools.

No Black person has ever been taught to think like “White Folks”. If you thought like a Whites, you would want your own nations, to control your own neighborhoods, to control your own economy, to have your own military, to control the resources in your own ground. Blacks come out of these schools and universities to be highly educated servants, slaves not in control of their own destiny. You would want to remove them from power.

Knowledge must be wielded to a sense of purpose, people-hood and destiny. Then it becomes protective of your survival as a people. It is measured by how it protects your survival as a people, nationhood.
Change your mind, your consciousness and change your circumstances. See your consciousness in terms of its Afrikaness, its life enhancing benefits, its consequences for your survival and goals as a people, measured in terms of its characteristics, what it must acquire. You must have certain intentions to do this. These intentionalities are the intent to be truly free, truly self-determining, to create prosperity for your self and people, to be able to protect your interests by any means necessary, to stop depending on white folk for your life, job and well-being. Your mind will generate what you need when you give it a goal or purpose.
If you want to develop an Afrikan-centered curriculum, start by asking “What problems must we solve as an Afrikan people? Our problems include the problem of being dominated, not controlling our nations, being poor in the midst of affluence. What goals do we want to reach? What quality of life do we want to enjoy? What kind of people must we become in order to solve the problems that we must solve as a people? What kind of attitudes, relationships toward ourselves, one another, and Europeans/Asians/Arabs? What institutions must we develop so that we can act in terms of our interests? What kind of social and educational experiences must we expose ourselves and young to become the kind of people we need to become to solve the problems we need to solve? Unless education, politics and economics are designed to solve our problems as a people they are pointless."

3. Fake allies 

On the other hand, we’re being fooled by token-integrated “allies” who trick us into collaboration with the system which oppresses Africans both in Americas and Africa. I’ve found white and Asian cooperation with Africans Nothing BUT PURE DECEPTION. The system which created problems for Africans can’t be in charge of the solution to African problems.

Dr. Chancellor Williams explores the evil, sadistic nature of Europeans and Asians “The history of Black Egypt had been repeated in the Black South: The coming of the Caucasian, whether from Asia or Europe, or whether in the name of peace, trade, an "integrated society," or in the name of the Allah of the Arabs or the God and Jesus Christ of the Jews and Christians, no matter under what pretext they came it meant the destruction of the highly advanced civilization of the Blacks and their total degradation as a people.”—The Destruction of Black Civilisation, pg. 154.

We know how wicked and dangerous non-Africans can be but our denial of the FACTS and acting as this is NOT true serves as a blind love based on self-hate. A love that enables Africans to spend their our hard-earned billions of dollars on their enemies; allow the European and Asian community to loot and destroy Africa with impunity; harass and sentence our men, women and children to a lifetime of perpetual slavery and bondage.

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