14 February 2017

White Scams Part III: The White Man is the Psychological Father of The Black Man

By Sicebise Msengana

The White man is the psychological father of the Black man. He DEGRADES him, OPPRESSES him, KILLS him and RIDICULES him before the entire world.

He stole his territory (i.e. Africa) and EXPLOITED his manhood and continues to profit from the DEATH and DESTRUCTION of his psychological, son -- the African man. 

But the African man cowardly avoids to confront the man who DESTROYS him and DEGRADES him. When he fights, he fights for Civil Rights to sleep with the white man's women and to eat in the White man's restaurants and to be the White man's economic and political slave.

As a result, the African man is a fool because he refuses to clean his own house and put food on the table for his wife (the African woman) and children before he can uplift the women of his enemies. European and Asian males have economic and political and the African man has SEX. He acts like a fool and expects the world to respect him.

So the African man feels the only way to regain his manhood and dignity (humanity) is to imitate his father, consequently, the White man tells him “you suffer because of the colour of your skin.” The African man willingly chooses to ignore the words of Mao Tse-tung “ Political power grows out of the barrel of the gun...The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement of the issue by war, is the central task and the highest form of revolution....we must be ruthless to our enemies; we must overpower and annihilate them... ."

The African man conveniently forgets the painful sacrifices made by his forefathers whose fighting spirit, got him to where he is today: Ntshingwayo's regiments attacked and virtually annihilated the encamped British army in the Battle Of ISANDLWANA on 22 January 1879, with a death toll of some 1,300 British troops, locally conscripted volunteers, native soldiers and camp followers. The British army suffered the bloodiest defeat by the Zulu Army in its history and the worst defeat of the Victorian era.

The African man fixated on winning his father's approval also forgets the sacrifices made by his only ally -- the African woman. Give me the name of one White, Arab, Hispanic and Asian woman in history who died or marched alongside black men to prevent the colonisation of Africa by European and Asian males or protested to save a black man from being lynched and I will give you $50. 

Tell me which White, Arab, Hispanic and Asian female that was shot in the back in a desperate attempt to run away from the Dutch Boers who sprayed bullets to innocent African women, men and children , and African men will be free to date or marry non-African.

Tell me what White, Arab, Hispanic and Asian females ever tried to save the African man from castrated and raped by European and Asian mad colonialists , and African men are allowed to empower non-African females.

But the African man says to himself, I'm going to love what my father loves; value what my father values; sleep with the women my father sleeps with and I will try to look like my father, remember Michael Jackson? When will the African realise that his purpose in life won’t come between the legs of White, Arab, Hispanic and Asian women? What is that the African woman lacks, that these non-African females have?

The African man was definitely stripped of his confidence and racial pride and an inferiority complex was imposed on him by his European and Asian masters and whose thinking is buried deep within White or Asian HOPE for African folk. To quote Walter Rodney 
“What we need is confidence in ourselves, so that as blacks and Africans we can be conscious, united, independent and creative. A knowledge of African achievements in art, education, religion, politics, agriculture and the mining of metals can help us gain the necessary confidence which has been removed by slavery and colonialism.”

“Marcus Garvey always preached the value of African history and culture. He wrote that ‘For many years white propagandists have been printing tons of literature to impress scattered Ethiopia, especially that portion within their civilization, with the idea that Africa is a despised place, inhabited by savages and cannibals, where no civilized human being should go’. After dismissing that propaganda as completely false, Garvey continued: ‘The power and the sway we once held passed away, but now in the twentieth century we are about to see a return of it in the rebuilding of Africa; yes, a new civilization, a new culture, shall spring up from among our people.’”—
“The Groundings with my Brothers”, Page 36.

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